In search TNT Beer Bread Recipe

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
A recipe crossed my path for a beer bread on the internet .
It was only like 3 ingredients ( beer, sugar and flour)
I did a search on the internet and saw other recipes that were similar ( some added baking soda/ powder, salt ...)

Just curious if someone has a recipe that they have tried ( and liked). Dont want to waste a can of beer on something Im not going to like ( that being said I dont really like beer, but I made some homemade beer and need to get rid of it).
Funny you should mention beer in bread - I learned, early on in my bread baking, that beer makes great bread! Though I'm not a big beer fan either, while in college I used to go over to their keg parties late at night, and drain the foam off the empty kegs, before they took them away. I would freeze it, to use for bread and to cook various seafoods with, at other parties.

I found that replacing about half of the liquid with beer gave bread a great flavor; too much, and the alcohol sort of stunted the yeast, and for white breads, they didn't really benefit from that extra flavor. One bread that seemed to really benefit from the beer flavor was a white potato bread, which I often put caraway seeds in. However, stronger flavored breads, like rye, got a great flavor from the extra beer, and what I would do was boil the beer, to get most of the alcohol out, then use it, replacing all of the water. Years later, I would get a similar flavor using sourdough.

I've never bought beer to make bread with, but some friends and my Dad used to give me their "old beer" - I think they had it left from the summers before, which was the only times they drank it. And another friend that "went on the wagon", about 12 years ago, gave me a large amount of beer. There were a few other things I'd use it for, but mostly, it went into bread.
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I got a beer making kit last year ( cause I love trying my hand at making anything). Made about a dozen or so bottles. I actually got good reviews , and trust me, my friends and family are brutally honest as they were with my wine which didn't get great reviews ( and im putting that politely). So I have a few bottles left and figured id give it a go.
German Bier Brood

Set oven to 375 F

3 C sifted self rising flour

1/4 C sugar

Can of Beer or 12 oz. (draft beer is best if you can get some)

1/3 C melted butter

Grease a bread loaf pan

Mix flour and sugar with beer (no kneading necessary)

Melt butter to liquid

Turn dough into the bread pan, pour the melted butter over the loaf
from end to end and place into the oven for an hour. Remove and allow to
cool for 20 minutes.

This will yield a crusty somewhat dense bread. BUT, if you mix the butter into the dough at the start, then it will produce a softer loaf of bread.

Draft beer is shipped to restaurants or taverns cold as the yeast isn't filtered ot if it so much as bottled or canned. That's why a lot of people prefer it. If you were to carry an empty soda bottle with screw on lid with you to a tavern and pour some draft beer into it to take home, you may get a better bread. Or if you know someone who makes home brew and can get a bottle
it would likely make a great loaf of bread.

No recipe since the one I use is the AP version of RC's ( add 3 tsps baking powder and 1tsp salt to 3 cups All Purpose flour), just a little word of "warning". Himself and I like this bread a lot on the day it is baked. The next day? Not so much. We've resorted to toasting it to use it up. Beer flavored bread is rather interesting for breakfast...

So this is the recipe I went with ( cause I had everything in the house)
Used agave syrup instead of honey, vegan butter instead of butter.

Extremely easy and quick
Rose a lot more than I thought it would
A very dense/ moist bread ( with a hint of beer taste/ no bitterness)
Slightly sweeter than I expected, could have been the agave
Crust a littler darker than I like ( probably the agave , I may cut back next time).

Al in all, very happy with the results. I love bread. And a lot easier than the Rye I made earlier in the week.


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