Kit Kat Chocolate Frosted Donut review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

I finally spotted this item at a local wal-mart.

The only thing impressive here was that this was a two color item kit-kat here.

I was not that impressed at all with the donut-flavor here. A bit of a flavor flop here.

Certainly as easy to eat as usual.

A medium sized thumbs up at best.
I picked one of these up at a convenience store not long ago on my way to work. Had a sweet tooth and wanted something sweet I could have after lunch. I wasn't that impressed either. It kind of tasted like a frosted donut (if you really concentrated to 'search' for that flavor) but overall it was just way too sweet for me.

I'll stick with the original Kit Kat, which has always been a favorite of mine. Kit Kat and Twix!
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