Low Carb Zoodles and Shrimp..

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There is a product called Miracle Noodle. It is a sheritaki noodle. This site - https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/shirataki-noodles-101 explains what they are. They are very low in carbs, and have health benefits, such as weight loss. The flavor is neutal, and htey have a texture like bean-thread, or glass noodles. I have used them with marinara, bologaise, and ragus. They have worked well in those applications. However, they really shine in stir-fries, and Asian recipes. There are other brands of the sheritaki noode. i have purchased them at Wall Mart, next to the refrigerated won ton, and egg roll wraps. I have found them in the following offerings - linguine, spaghetti, and angel hair. I prefer the linguine style. I also enjoy hem in place of ramen noodles, in soups and stir-fries.

I highly recommend them if you want a low-carb noodle.
Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Chief, I've tried the "Miracle Noodles" several times and although some may like them, I'm not one.
The texture and flavor are so odd and unpleasant that I'd just rather do without noodles than eat them. Just not for me, but as I said, others may like them.
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Ive tried the Miracle Noodles too the I was on a strict low carb/ no carb diet and I wasn't thrilled either. I was hoping I would like them, so bought the large variety pack which was like $40. Tried one and tossed them. I wished I liked them, would have made those 3 months a lot easier. I now resort to spaghetti squash, which by no means is a replacement for past ( nothing is), butt at least it Kinda looks like , so my eyes are happy until it hits my tongue, then Im disappointed :)
The Miracle noodles have very little flavor, but do absorb flavors from what they are cooked with. After opening the pouch, they must be rinsed thoroughly under cold ruining water to remove the earth flavor. Then they are great in asian dishes, much like glass noodles.

But if you don't like then, that's ok too. Just thought I'd throw out another noodle option.

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Kayelle, I've done the zoodles (1 green 1 yellow) packaged them up with a paper towel in a zip lock, taken out some shrimp, and discovered I have no white wine! AWK...
Even while on the wagon I usually have some floating around somewhere for cooking.

OK guys... So without running to the store - I have: sake, vermouth, sherry, marsala, sweet + dry, madiera, cognac, brandy, which would any of you try? those crossed off - don't think they would work.
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And what do you do with your left-over ummm ... miniature pool noodles?



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Use them in your miniature pool, of course.

Dragn, I notice you were posting at the same time as me. Did you miss my reply?

Of course, Andy, how silly of me not to realize!

Oops, yes taxy, thanks! I did miss it. I realized while in the kitchen that Vermouth is often substituted for white wine. Just came back to re-post! Took so long as I was out freezing my butt off when I fell in my mini-pool and swearing at Andy for the suggestion.

2 Tablespoons of lemon is FAR too much.

Actually found it rather tasteless. Have added Parmesan - and yes it no longer is skinny but certainly more edible and helps to coverup the lemon.
Kayelle, my friend made a recipe very much like that one. It was delicious!

What about keto diet after 50?

This way of eating worked great for me. Sadly, I do not seem to be able to stick with it.

This, if you don't, you add all kinds of extra liquid to a sauce.


Chief, I've tried the "Miracle Noodles" several times and although some may like them, I'm not one.
The texture and flavor are so odd and unpleasant that I'd just rather do without noodles than eat them. Just not for me, but as I said, others may like them.

It is totally a texture thing for me. I really really REALLY wanted to love these noodles. I tried them many different ways including how to pre-prep them. The flavor was not the issue. Texture.

And what do you do with your left-over ummm ... miniature pool noodles?


Make a crustless quiche with LOTS of cheese. :)
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