Low-Carbing with the Keto-Team

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Dec 6, 2009
Mid-Atlantic, USA
I wish there was a place to put "finds" for those who have been striving for a high-fat, low carb diet. I'm constantly seeking ways to make new items and I am still struggling to get enough fat in the diet.

My two best finds have been to use pork rinds as a breading on pork chops and mashed cauliflower.

For the breading, I crushed the pork rinds using my small food processor. I fried the pork chops in bacon grease. It was satisfying and really good EXCEPT...the pork chops were a bit thick and I had to finish them in the oven so the crust lost a bit of its crunch. However it was tasty even to the person who does not like pork rinds. I think I am going to try fish next.

The mashed cauliflower has been terrific! I nuke mine in a covered bowl for 10 to 12 minutes (until it is very done.) Then I put it in the food processor with whatever else I will blend up with it.

- cream cheese, butter, a bit of heavy cream, salt & pepper = creamy and very mashed potato-like.
- dill, sour cream, cream cheese, and garlic were tasty.
- my friend loves cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, and butter.
- I think I will try bacon bits and cheese soon...maybe even sprinkle some diced green onion.

I find the mashed cauliflower heats well, but it has a bit of a cauliflower smell when reheated.

I'm curious what others have found.

Homemade Mayonnaise and salad dressings. I've been making all my salads out of cabbage.

Bragg's salad dressings have EVOO in them. Watch the labels on dressings from the natural grocers...they have soy bean oil which causes inflammation.

Costco's Kirkland brand Pesto is excellent and a quick way to change up meals.
Breading is still something I'm working on. Seasoned breadcrumbs are the last high carb item in my pantry, they are on the way out! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
Try using a combination of ground almonds or other nuts and Romano cheese as a replacement for all or part of the breadcrumbs. The other strategy I use is to simply use less or "seek the minimum". It has taken me a long, long time to gradually reduce or eliminate breading from various recipes.

I have gradually moved away from topping casseroles with breadcrumbs, crushed potato chips, onion rings etc... I scatter a few slivered almonds on top for a little crunch, visual interest and a touch of luxury.

A splash of heavy cream in various dishes has helped me move away from the cream sauce or mushroom soup found in many recipes.

I'm also a big fan of mashed cauliflower. I mash it with a slice or two of American processed cheese, butter and a little heavy cream. The texture reminds me of a twice baked potato. :yum: I chop steamed cauliflower and use it as a rice substitute. I fry the leftover "rice" as a substitute for hash browns.
My most recent keto "find" doesn't involve food at all, but rather the lack of it. :)

For the last few weeks, I've been experimenting with a technique known as intermittent fasting (or IF) which is described in several keto resources, where you rely entirely on fat stores to provide fuel, rather than dietary fat.

Today I'm on the second day of a fast that began Tuesday evening. Weirdly, I don't feel much hunger at all. In fact I feel great, and was even able to go for a workout yesterday afternoon. I guess this is one of the advantages of being fully adapted to burning ketones instead of glucose derived from carbohydrates. Six months ago I wouldn't have been able to go without food for more than 12 hours at most.

The only "food" I've consumed has been coffee with cream in the morning, and just water for the remainder of the day. Tonight I plan on having a real dinner.

This has also (not surprisingly) brought my blood sugar down considerably. Yesterday it was in the low to mid 70s most of the day. When I got up this morning it was 79. Normally my BG is always around 90 in the morning. I'll continue to check it throughout the day to make sure it doesn't drop too low.
Stumbled across this recipe and thought of the Keto Team:

Cauliflower Steak with Pine Nuts and Preserved Lemon | The Daily Meal

CWS, that recipe looks tasty and I do appreciate you thinking of us but, according to the nutritional data shown, the carbs are a whopping 123 grams (although I wonder if that total is for the entire recipe or per serving).

Keep in mind that a ketogenic diet typically allows for no more than 40 grams of carbohydrates per day. My own total daily carb intake is normally anywhere from 10 to 20 grams.

The fat levels look good, though.
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CWS, that recipe looks tasty and I do appreciate you thinking of us but, according to the nutritional data shown, the carbs are a whopping 123 grams (although I wonder if that total is for the entire recipe or per serving).

Keep in mind that a ketogenic diet typically allows for no more than 40 grams of carbohydrates per day. My own total daily carb intake is normally anywhere from 10 to 20 grams.

The fat levels look good, though.
I was wondering if you left out the nuts what the carbs would be...
I was wondering if you left out the nuts what the carbs would be...

The pine nuts don't look that bad, but the honey would definitely have to go.

I'm trying to figure out where they are coming up with their totals in that recipe, because it doesn't seem to add up. I'm thinking that it has to be the totals for the entire recipe.
The pine nuts don't look that bad, but the honey would definitely have to go.

I'm trying to figure out where they are coming up with their totals in that recipe, because it doesn't seem to add up. I'm thinking that it has to be the totals for the entire recipe.
That was my thought. I was thinking that you guys could take the method of making the cauliflower "steak" and make it a Keto-friendly recipe. Looking forward to how you guys make it Keto-friendly. ;).
Aunt Bea, I am really enjoying the pork rind breading. Tonight I made this recipe with cod. It was moist, crunchy, and truly a treat. I will say that I believe I can get by with less rinds to keep the crunch. Mine had a bit too much breading, but the areas with less were just as crunchy! I will definitely use it on Fried Green Tomatoes this summer. I bet it would make good onion rings too. :)

Steve, I've been running between 20 and 30 net carbs a day, but I cannot get my proteins down as much as I want - and the pork rind breading did not help with that! Also, the fats...I really need to up my fat intake. I run about 60 to 65% fats. :/

PF, you never need an excuse for another kitchen gadget. :)


Breading is still something I'm working on. Seasoned breadcrumbs are the last high carb item in my pantry, they are on the way out! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
Try using a combination of ground almonds or other nuts and Romano cheese as a replacement for all or part of the breadcrumbs. The other strategy I use is to simply use less or "seek the minimum". It has taken me a long, long time to gradually reduce or eliminate breading from various recipes.

I have gradually moved away from topping casseroles with breadcrumbs, crushed potato chips, onion rings etc... I scatter a few slivered almonds on top for a little crunch, visual interest and a touch of luxury.
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Keto friendly burger buns!

I found this recipe on a keto diet blog. They taste fantastic and only have a little over 4 net carbs. According to the blogger, they freeze well, too. If you've been missing bread, this is a good option.

The KetoDiet Blog | Ultimate Keto Buns

I had guacamole wraps with butter lettuce for lunch. Quite tasty!

1 Haas Avocado
1 tsp grated garlic, used the microplane
1/4 tsp kosher salt
2 tbls Avocado oil
1/2 cup grape tomatoes rough chopped
1 tbls lemon juice

Spread onto leaves of butter lettuce and rolled up, chilled for thirty minutes.

I will use the smaller inside leaves of the lettuce for a bed for no mayo tuna salad for dinner tonight.
This afternoon I have a board meeting for my wine club. We have these once a month and, while we do conduct business, it's also a social gathering with a potluck (Everyone brings wine, too. No surprise there).

Anyway, I was asked to bring a dessert today. So I had a challenge to take on. I ended up making a pumpkin-almond cheesecake. I used a standard flourless cheesecake recipe, and simply replaced the sugar with Splenda. I actually tamed back the sweetness just a bit. I've found with Splenda that it's usually better to under sweeten in order to get a more natural flavor. The crust and topping is made from finely chopped toasted almonds, almond flour, butter, cinnamon, and just a little bit of sweetener. As near as I can tell it should be about 7 grams net carbs per slice (12 slices)

I've tasted all the components separately, and they are good by themselves. So I hope the whole thing comes together and tastes cohesive.

The photo doesn't really do it justice. It's actually more of a light pumpkin color.

I have been intending to make those buns. The faux-tato salad sounds great too. I wonder which would be better: rutabaga or cauliflower.

If it is good, I can guarantee that I have the Memorial Day menu almost planned. :)

Using grated parmesan, crackers were made here today. Basically, spread the cheese in a very thin layer and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 -20 minutes until they were melted. Peel them off and they are crisp when cooled.

A good substitute for a cracker!
I love the pepperoni and parmesan chips, I don't miss crackers at all.

I've been having fun making all kinds of dips.
Have any of you tried making a "potato" salad using cauliflower or rutabaga! If you have please pass along any tips, hints or recipes that you have found helpful.

I think I will try a half recipe of this one as my first attempt!

Helen's Low-Carb "Potato" Salad - BigOven 258515

I made this today using a fresh cauliflower and some slight adjustments to the seasonings, it's fantastic! :yum:

It started me thinking about some variations I would like to try using crumbled crispy bacon or roughly chopped shrimp.

I think this will be a regular feature in my kitchen as a quick way to use leftover cauliflower. A boiled egg with a few odds and ends added to the previous nights cauliflower will make a one pound deli sized batch that would be just right for me as a couple of lunches or dinner sides.

I think it is a mistake to refer to it as Low-Carb Potato Salad. Just call it Cauliflower Salad and take a bowl to your next family cookout with no apologies or explanations! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

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