Monday 13th May - what's for dinner?

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013
I made this - it's a Pastry Lattice with pesto, mozzarella, sliced tomatoes and chorizo. (And needless to say, I did not make the puff pastry!)
I'm making cannelloni also known as manicotti. My ragu is simmering and I've made my pasta dough and just need to make the bechamel and roll out the pasta, cut to shape and parboil, then assemble and bake. I only make this dish a couple of times a year and it's been in my subconscious for a while, so it's time. :D
Something or other with some of the leftover meat from yesterday. I might do a stir fry or maybe make a salad. I'll see what I feel like doing when I get to the kitchen. I already had a snack of the last of the cold smoked salmon. I call it salmon bites. It's just salmon smeared with cream cheese and then stick some thinly sliced onion pieces and capers in the cream cheese.
Tovala meals of honey mustard chicken with mashed sweet potatoes and crunchy fried onion pieces. Green beans from the grocery. Craig prefers full blown country style beans, nearly falling apart, but I prefer just past crisp tender, so a compromise. I started eating before I took picture, sorry.
Something or other with some of the leftover meat from yesterday. I might do a stir fry or maybe make a salad. I'll see what I feel like doing when I get to the kitchen. I already had a snack of the last of the cold smoked salmon. I call it salmon bites. It's just salmon smeared with cream cheese and then stick some thinly sliced onion pieces and capers in the cream cheese.
That sounds very tasty Taxy! I would have that very happily!
The salmon bites? When I have bigger slices of cold smoked salmon, I pile the same stuff on them and roll them up and call them salmon rollups. Then, they are more easily finger food.
Yes, the salmon bites! I do find salmon a very adaptable food. And apparently, so do you! :cool::)
Yes, the salmon bites! I do find salmon a very adaptable food. And apparently, so do you! :cool::)
And it's very healthy. It has those great omega 3 fatty acids and lots of vitamin D. I can only stand to eat salmon that hasn't been cooked with heat.
I've never made salmon patties from canned, although my mother made salmon croquettes often (left-over mashed potatoes). I've only ever made patties with fresh salmon. Recipe from ATK - wonderful. Think I've posted it before... gimme a sec...
umm... oops... think you need paid access. Let me know if anyone is interested and I will do my write up for you.
I've never made salmon patties from canned, although my mother made salmon croquettes often (left-over mashed potatoes). I've only ever made patties with fresh salmon. Recipe from ATK - wonderful. Think I've posted it before... gimme a sec...
umm... oops... think you need paid access. Let me know if anyone is interested and I will do my write up for you.
Oops! Hahaha. I've made salmon patties from fresh as well. But I prefer the taste of salmon patties made from canned salmon. Probably because that's what I grew up on. My mom used to make them often and she also made what she called a "salmon souffle" that was super good.

And anytime I make salmon patties, I also make a pea sauce. Basically it's just a white sauce (Béchamel sauce) with added whole peas. Gotta have my pea sauce with the patties.
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