New to me: Red Biquinho Peppers

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
DH and I attended an awards dinner Thursday for an organization he's involved with for work. It was held in the event space at the new casino in town. The dinner included mashed potatoes that were garnished with the cutest tiny red peppers that I had never seen before - Red Biquinho Peppers. They have no heat but they're sweet and a little tangy with a lot of seeds. It was an interesting pop of flavor and a beautiful red garnish on the dish (I didn't take a picture of the plate, but I wish I had lol).

I found a seller on eBay and bought some seeds. Going to give them a try.
A family owned high end Italian restaurant here uses them as garnish in their salads. Craig really likes them. I don't because of all the seeds, don't like the texture. There is also a yellow variety. Either Fresh Market or Whole Foods, can't remember which, carries them here, lightly pickled and jarred.
I’ve seen similar varieties in the condiment aisle but they were a little too spendy for me.

It would be fun to plant a few seeds and might make an interesting patio plant that could come indoors.
I never tried them, but saw them in a catalog, and I remember seeing that they are a supposedly a C. chinense pepper, but a mild one, so they would be a good way to get that habanero flavor, for those who don't like intense heat. I figured I'd wait for the reviews from some others who grow them, before trying them. Good luck with them!
They're much smaller than peppadews - about a half inch in length and less than that in width - and they're a distinct teardrop shape. I did get a photo of one on my plate, so I could look it up once people at the table started asking about it. Unfortunately I didn't get anything else in the photo to indicate the scale (unless you count the bits of mashed potato and sauce lol).

Last year I bought some a couple of times from my local grocer. OK, different, if I was doing a platter for guests I would include. Haven't bought them foe a while.
They're much smaller than peppadews - about a half inch in length and less than that in width - and they're a distinct teardrop shape. I did get a photo of one on my plate, so I could look it up once people at the table started asking about it. Unfortunately I didn't get anything else in the photo to indicate the scale (unless you count the bits of mashed potato and sauce lol).

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Yeah, I was going to ask where the little beaks were on those peppadews. Biquinho is the Portuguese diminutive of beak.

We got some once with our produce basket. We didn't care for them. I found them to have an unpleasant, bitter flavour note. I wonder if that has to do with local growing conditions.

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