Petty Vents

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this a good vent. i finally found a painter to do my bedroom furniture. he showed up on time and went right to work . he is a whiz. only been working 6 hours and is 3/4 of the way through. he is an older man, a retired engineer. that furniture has been sitting primed for three months. at least part of it i primed. then i got sick. then one painter never showed up and another made a bid for three hundred dollars without ever seeing the stuff. this guy is doing it for ten dollars and hour. i couldn't be more please. it is going to be lovely and my bedroom will be redone. nice to have a good vent once in a while.
...The staff refused, saying they were only a party of four and they only sing for parties of 6 or more.
The girl was broken hearted. She also has autism.
This was cruel on the part of that staff, IMO...
:flowers: I'm sorry to hear that Wyogal, some staff are so focused on following the rules that they don't remember they can "color outside the lines" when it comes to customer service. A birthday song takes so little yet would have meant so much.
We have two of them here in all of BC and I am not sure they are in Alix's province!

Wow am I dense. Can't believe I didn't pick up on Applebee's! LOL!!! We don't eat there anyway as Ken's two nastiest gallbladder attacks happened after eating there, but this gives me more reason not to do so.

My vent is really tiny and insignificant. I'd really like to be zit free sometime in my 40's. Didn't happen in my 30's so I'm moving up a decade. Sigh!
Try "Proactive", Alix, it really works for my 3 daughters...bigtime.

As for the above aforementioned restaurant...they should use this sign in their window: :LOL:


  • sign-sorryopen.jpg
    10.2 KB · Views: 250
Seriously Mollyanne? I generally ignore those ads as so much bunk. I'm not all that bad really, but I am never without at least one zit somewhere! Its frustrating because I never had ANY til I had kids of my own. My dr has offered any number of remedies, none of which work. We could go the antibiotic route but since I'm allergic to so many it doesn't make sense to mess with that for something cosmetic. I recently got a tip from my niece to use baking soda as a scrub on my face. Now I have two tips! Thanks!!
Seriously Alix. It's expensive but you don't need "all" of their products that they claim all work together as part of the plan. My girls just get two items...the Cleanser and the Repair. I think they skip the Toner and other superfulous items to save money. I think I read that the sun-affect is stronger when using the product so be careful or wear sunscreen. And check with your doc about your allergies before purchasing. But for my starts working right away...not "bunk". They offer a 60-day money back guarantee so keep your receipt!

Here's a link for online purchasing that seems like a good price but I couldn't find how long that will last you (i think it lasts my girls 3 months? They're in their 20's now and scattered from Calif to Belize so I can't ask them right now):
Proactiv® - Order Your Custom System
WHOA! Did you check the difference in US and Canadian funds? The $20 system becomes $70! Yeesh. I think I'll ask my friend in MN to order it and send it up here to me. Thanks for the tip!
after an hour i am still shaking with anger. i phoned a prescription in on friday, was told it would be delivered on tues. as they were closed on Monday. tuesday didn't come. i said ok they are probably really busy from being closed. no meds on tues or wed. this morning i called and was told out for delivery. no show. called was told be out tomorrow. then i lost it. i spoke to the owner and pharmacist after waiting an hour for him to call me back. the upshot is someone blew it on even putting the order in. he wanted to know who i talked to. how would i know, he has more than one employee. wanted to know if had heavy accent like him. no the person didn't and neither the one i talked to this am that said it was coming out. he said was sorry. big deal! no way to run a business. over a barrel, most don't deliver or charge for it. i told him glitches have been happening for about six months. he said he would get on it. also said would make sure was given to the driver himself. i don't drive and deliveries save me a lot of trouble as i have many medications and they are not all due for refill at the same time.

i hardly ever get this angry anymore, but this really threw me. if it had been one of the acute need ones, guess i would just be up a creek and most likely sick again.

there i feel better, a little anyway.
I went to this restaurant ones and it was, well at best mediocre and the service was if not rude than at least, gosh, not sure about a word in English to use. Well, they were talking to me, like as if I was an idiot. I did not leave a tip and left. But that is not what I am venting about right now. I just stumbled on the chef’s, I think he also is an owner, site. And he has a bunch of videos with recipes. Oh, my gosh. No wonder his stuff talked to me the way they did. The presentation he makes is exactly the same. He talks to audience like as we are a bunch of idiots. I had to scream at the computer. There is no way I am ever going back to that place. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad::mad::mad:
I guess the old saying goes here, Charlie. "If you like it tell your friends. If you don't then tell me."
Tell 'em!!! You don't have to go back, but you'll feel better for having said your piece.
... gosh, not sure about a word in English to use. Well, they were talking to me, like as if I was an idiot.

The English word is, "condescending,"

1. Acting in a way that betrays a feeling of patronizing superiority.
2. (of an action) Demonstrating such an attitude. From,

I wouldn't go back, either, Charlie. Sounds like a miserable place to try and enjoy a meal.
To heck with them Charlie, we all care here and you don't deserve that kind of treatment.
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My latest is that we saved up to buy a new car. We traded in the old vehicle for this new one. No big deal; to be honest with you, buying a new car has become easier, since you can do all the research on line until you narrow it down to a couple of vehicles.

Well, then came insurance. I insure with a large, major insurer. We wanted the car to be insured as soon as we took possession. We've done this many times. But the women who answered the phone ... well, you'd swear no one in the history of the company ever traded in a vehicle. We kept getting statements for the old truck rather than the new car. When questioned they kept talking about the truck, long after it was gone. THEN the state got involved. It doesn't help that our registration became due at about the same time. But I DO NOT want to pay for whoever owns that truck now. I'm being reassured that it couldn't happen. But my experiences with the state of Illinois are such that I really want the paperwork to all be correct. It's been a couple of months and I'm very frustrated. Now that I think of it, it may be the first time I've done a trade-in rather than selling the older vehicle myself. Is it always this much of a hassle?
No way, it shouyld nothave been hassle at all. I used to sell cars and I know it is supposed to be very easy. All you do is give your insurance new info and done.
We have traded in cars before and it should be quite simple, just give your insurance the information on the new vehical and you are done. I think someone at your insurance office dropped the ball on this.
Non-Removable Labels

I just read a new thread about stuck on labels on wooden bowls, and it got me started on one of my very biggest pet peeves.

For just one example, I bought a package of baby wipes recently and it came in a really pretty pearliized container. I thought, great, I can collect a few of these for items like hair ties and scrunchies. BUT NOOOO. The labels were impossible to remove, even by slow and painstaking fingernail. Goo Gone would have ruined the plastic so I ended up just throwing it out. My new brand pulls through a small opening on the top, is cheaper, and comes with more wipes, but the container is just plain ugly white and I can't think of any use for it when it is empty. More plastic in our landfills.

I wish there were some way to get these manufacturers on the Green bandwagon. I have looked and looked for a site where I get my opinion out there. It is a real shame. I like to reuse/repurpose things and when I couldn't reuse that pretty pearlized container, I also felt gypped.

I think this Thread is a great idea. Venting is a healty outlet for anger, and just posting this made me feel so much better having gotten it off my chest. Thank you!
Zhizara, sorry you couldn't reuse that container. Does your city not have a recycling program? Any plastic container we use can be put in our recycling. That might make you feel better about things.
No, but I wish they did too. I live in the outskirts of New Orleans, and if they have recycling they don't have it where I live.
I love this thread. Irking me right now is Internet Explorer 8. I HATE it. It crashes constantly. I was starting a new thread about reinventing old recipes. I was almost done when I wanted to refer to the name of someone who had given me an idea. I opened a new tab and CRASH. Apparently if you move your cursor while it is downloading all the ads it crashes and then blames the website. IE8 is the problem. Anyway after I got the name I was looking for I went back to the post and of course it was blank.

Anyway, I love this thread because now that I've vented I feel so much better. It's too early in the day (5AM) to feel angry. Venting is theraputic.
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