Saturday, May 4, 2024, what are you eating?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Pot roast with carrots, parsnips, mushrooms, Yukon golds, and pearl onions. I'm stuffed!
That earlier thread made me think to make this, @blissful.

I haven't cooked much lately - been eating a lot of leftovers from the freezer, since I've been busy in the garden. Today was the first time I cooked anything for a while, and I had a pound of mushrooms I had to use soon, so I made some soup, since it's cool these days. I started with browning a minced onion in some EVOO, then add some minced garlic, rosemary, and thyme scented oregano, cooking a minute, then added some soaked, dried tomatoes (about 3/4 lb equivalent), puréed. I cooked that down, while preparing the mushrooms in the food processor, then put the chopped mushrooms, and a tsp of boletus powder (the end of the jar - gotta grind more of this) in the IP, and switched to Sauté/High, and cooked until most of the moisture out, and they started browning. Then I rinsed all of the mushrooms out of the FP and the bowl they were in, plus the tomato purée left in the VM. Then I added 1 c moth dal (technically not dal, but a whole bean) and 3/4 c barley (my favorite grain to eat with mushrooms), and 1/4 c red lentils, then added some light (colored) soy, for some salt, a generous amount of black pepper, and set it to Bean/25 min, and let the pressure release naturally. About 3/4 of the way through, the soup was smelling incredibly good! The masoor dal thickened the soup just enough - something I often use a small amount of, to thicken soups of all types. I finished this with some Reggiano.
Finished soup in the Instant Pot, with 1 lb mushrooms, 1 c moth dal, and 3/4 c barley. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished mushroom soup, with some crumbled Reggiano on top. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
That earlier thread made me think to make this, @blissful.

I haven't cooked much lately - been eating a lot of leftovers from the freezer, since I've been busy in the garden. Today was the first time I cooked anything for a while, and I had a pound of mushrooms I had to use soon, so I made some soup, since it's cool these days. I started with browning a minced onion in some EVOO, then add some minced garlic, rosemary, and thyme scented oregano, cooking a minute, then added some soaked, dried tomatoes (about 3/4 lb equivalent), puréed. I cooked that down, while preparing the mushrooms in the food processor, then put the chopped mushrooms, and a tsp of boletus powder (the end of the jar - gotta grind more of this) in the IP, and switched to Sauté/High, and cooked until most of the moisture out, and they started browning. Then I rinsed all of the mushrooms out of the FP and the bowl they were in, plus the tomato purée left in the VM. Then I added 1 c moth dal (technically not dal, but a whole bean) and 3/4 c barley (my favorite grain to eat with mushrooms), and 1/4 c red lentils, then added some light (colored) soy, for some salt, a generous amount of black pepper, and set it to Bean/25 min, and let the pressure release naturally. About 3/4 of the way through, the soup was smelling incredibly good! The masoor dal thickened the soup just enough - something I often use a small amount of, to thicken soups of all types. I finished this with some Reggiano.
Finished soup in the Instant Pot, with 1 lb mushrooms, 1 c moth dal, and 3/4 c barley. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished mushroom soup, with some crumbled Reggiano on top. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Sounds delicious, I'll put this one in my recipe collection. I'll try it out. 👍
Dug out and defrosted a freezer meal I'd forgotten (as many of them are)
Pretty sure it's the last one of Stuffed Shells. which is sad because it was delicious!

Stock pictures. Six is perfect for a meal with salad. Three would do as a side. Have to be careful not to overwhelm with the sauce. Many recipes seem to add far too much for my tastes. Delicious never-the-less.
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