Show Me Your Perfect Breakfast Egg

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Andy, here's my yolk.

Egg bleed! Yum, that looks fantastic. So does everyone's egg pics.

I was raised eating eggs several times a week. It was one of mother's favorite foods. She even used to blend a raw egg into chocolate milk on really cold winter mornings, calling it a Norwegian egg nog. Although I've never met another Norskie that had this, so it may have just been my mom's thing. At least I always had a shiny coat of fur.

Eggs even saved my mother's life. She cotracted Covid last summer, and got very sick, and the docs didn't think she'd make it. After my father's passing a few years ago, she resigned herself to allow Covid to take her so she could be with him again. She felt so bad that she even stopped eating and drinking in order to hasten the end.

After 2 weeks of feeling terrible (and not eating), one of the nurses went by her room with a tray of eggs and bacon. It was the first thing that she was able to smell in such a long time, and being one of her favorite meals, she asked the nurse to bring her some.
The docs and nurses were surprised, and we asked them to bring her eggs and bacon,as much as possible if that's all she would eat.

Within a few weeks after that, she fully recovered and is happily heading towards her 96th birthday this year. Still missing my dad, though.

Pan fried Spam and a double yolker, anyone?


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Wow Bucky and thank goodness for eggs!

Not the same thing at all, but still reminded me: Once upon a time, I had some extra egg whites after making a dish that called for yokes only. Not willing to toss them, but I couldn't think of anything to do with them, so I cooked them and gave them to the pups. Now Stanley is a good eater, but not a particularly Corgi-Like eater, he gobbled up the eggs and then picked up the bowl and took it to his bed and laid down next to the empty bowl. He has never done anything like that before or since, but I made a mental note...if ever he is off his food, try egg whites before calling ER?

(Corgis are notorious for eating EVERYTHING and eating it very quickly.)
Norwegian and Fluffy Eggs

Bucky, good on yer Mom! Thanks for sharing a Happy about Covid.

My bro, when late for school, used to literally suck an egg - right out of the shell. :doh: (shudder)

Once our car broke down on our way to the cottage. Of course, it was in the middle of no-where. Hubby walked to the nearest town. Boys were about 4 & 6, never complained but had had a very early breakfast and it was hours past lunch.
Dug out some eggs from the grocery box and orange juice. Mixed/shook/stirred really well and voila! Fluffy Egg. They were happy and satisfied. (and I still shuddered - LOL) and they often had a Fluffy Egg when rushed after that.

So there yuh go folks - Norwegian and Fluffy Eggs! Anyone else have a different style?
When I was a youngster my breakfast every morning was a raw egg whisked into a glass of milk with a fork. Mom added a dash of cinnamon so she could call it an egg nog. I drank it down and headed off to school. There were days when she didn't do a great job of whisking the egg. . .
When I was in high school, I often had an egg beaten with orange juice and milk. I used one of those hand crank egg beaters. It always whipped up nice and foamy, with no yucky strings of egg white. A friend of mine named it "Tarzan breakfast". I have also made it with milk powder instead of milk. It's a bit thicker that way.
When I was a youngster my breakfast every morning was a raw egg whisked into a glass of milk with a fork. Mom added a dash of cinnamon so she could call it an egg nog. I drank it down and headed off to school. There were days when she didn't do a great job of whisking the egg. . .

LOL, I know it! Egg-snog.

When I was in high school, I often had an egg beaten with orange juice and milk. I used one of those hand crank egg beaters. It always whipped up nice and foamy, with no yucky strings of egg white. A friend of mine named it "Tarzan breakfast". I have also made it with milk powder instead of milk. It's a bit thicker that way.

Milk and OJ? Right after brushing your teeth with a mint toothpaste, maybe...
When I was in high school, I often had an egg beaten with orange juice and milk. I used one of those hand crank egg beaters. It always whipped up nice and foamy, with no yucky strings of egg white. A friend of mine named it "Tarzan breakfast". I have also made it with milk powder instead of milk. It's a bit thicker that way.

Taxy, that's pretty much what the original Orange Julius recipe was. A chain down here, don't know if they had them in Canada. They still have the chain, but they no longer make it with the raw egg. Sadly, they are not as good either.
Taxy, that's pretty much what the original Orange Julius recipe was. A chain down here, don't know if they had them in Canada. They still have the chain, but they no longer make it with the raw egg. Sadly, they are not as good either.

I grew up in the San Fernando Valley, so I am familiar with them. ;)

Wasn't the original Orange Julius made with whole oranges? I know there was sugar in them.

Montreal has a place called Gibeau Orange Julep. They make something similar.

Here's a picture of the place:

Wow! Taxy, that looks like a totally cool place! Looks like a car show?

You know, I don't really remember the actual recipe? I was young and we would go to the Santa Monica Mall and get an Orange Julius. I doubt we paid much attention to them making it? I probably would not have wanted it, had I known it was raw egg? But it was good!

So, I grew up on the other side of the hill there from you. In a town called Mar Vista. And Venice, Santa Monica...basically the westside. Lived there all my life until 2011 when we moved to the PNW.
Wow! Taxy, that looks like a totally cool place! Looks like a car show?

You know, I don't really remember the actual recipe? I was young and we would go to the Santa Monica Mall and get an Orange Julius. I doubt we paid much attention to them making it? I probably would not have wanted it, had I known it was raw egg? But it was good!

So, I grew up on the other side of the hill there from you. In a town called Mar Vista. And Venice, Santa Monica...basically the westside. Lived there all my life until 2011 when we moved to the PNW.

On the weekends, a lot of car buffs go there and show off their cars to each other.

We used to hang out at a mall (when those were first a thing) and there wasn't really a lot to do other than window shop. But, you could sit and watch the Orange Julep machine from a bench in the mall. So, we would watch all the oranges rolling down an incline to get juiced or pulverized or whatever it was the machine did.
This talk of Orange Julius drinks brought back memories of travel up and down highway 99 in Cali. We would often stop for that drink.:yum:

Will make some for us soon. :)

Iconic Montreal - here's a brief history

Montreal's Big Orange

In the 60's (and probably even from the late 40's) a weekend meeting place for muscle cars, hot rods and antiques.


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On the weekends, a lot of car buffs go there and show off their cars to each other.

We used to hang out at a mall (when those were first a thing) and there wasn't really a lot to do other than window shop. But, you could sit and watch the Orange Julep machine from a bench in the mall. So, we would watch all the oranges rolling down an incline to get juiced or pulverized or whatever it was the machine did.

Dinah's Chicken had one of those machines too, I think?
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