Shoxing wine/rice wine in fried rice for kids?

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Senior Cook
May 15, 2020
Prior Lake
I didn't think of this, but my sister-in-law got quite mad at me for giving fried rice to kids (I put in maybe 1-2 TBSP of shoxing wine into the sauce.) After cooking the rice 10 minutes, I added the sauce to finish (mostly soy sauce, dark and light, shoxing wine, MSG, tamirand, dash vinegar, ginger and garlic), and cooked it 5 more minutes before serving. She's convinced I'm going to make her 6 & 4 year old drunk or alcoholics (or myself an alcoholic.) I myself don't drink, (I make beef Bourgenon, bananas foster, tiramisu, etc. all sans alcohol) but could I potentially get drunk/tipsy or get kids drunk by using cooking wine (rice wine/shoxing/etc.) in foods, specifically stir-fry?
1-2 tablespoons of wine in fried rice, even if you didn't cook off some of the alcohol, wouldn't get anyone drunk. Nor would they notice there was wine in the dish. So smile politely to your sister-in-law and next time make something that doesn't contain ANY wine.
my daughter is sober and is Ok when we cook with wine. but she says that not all alcoholics are ok with it.
And some alcoholics have problems with cough medicines that contain alcohol, BUT, a couple of tablespoons of alcohol in a cooked dish that makes multiple servings is not going to MAKE someone drunk, even a small child, nor is it going to MAKE someone an alcoholic.
People have such weird attitudes about children and alcohol in the United States. Even a few occasional sips isn't going to make a child alcoholic, or even hurt them at all. When I was growing up, my parents gave us sips of what they were drinking, and this is common in Europe. Imo, restricting it until they're of age makes it more of a big deal than it is and too many teenagers end up bingeing on it.
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Imo, restricting it until they're of age makes it more of a big deal than it is and too many teenagers end up bingeing on it.
Yep, we always allowed DD to have a little of what we were drinking IF she wanted some. We also told her when she got legal that if she and her legal friends wanted to drink that we'd rather they do it at our home instead of going out and potentially driving drunk or putting themselves in a potentially dangerous situation. I firmly believe that is why she never was really all that interested in alcohol.
Definitely an over the top reaction, but not worth arguing over. She has her mind made up, and in my opinion could have handled it differently by expressing her beliefs on raising her kids and move on. No point in going ballistic.
Now if you keep on doing it after she explained herself, then she has the right to get angry.
People have such weird attitudes about children and alcohol in the United States. Even a few occasional sips isn't going to make a child alcoholic, or even hurt them at all. When I was growing up, my parents gave us sips of what they were drinking, and this is common in Europe. Imo, restricting it until they're of age makes it more of a big deal than it is and too many teenagers end up bingeing on it.
My mother gave us a big tablespoon of vodka and honey to shut us up when we had earaches and such
My Italian great aunts would dip hard biscotti in wine and give it to their kids when they were teething. I'm told that was common practice. None of them became alcoholics.
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