SPLASH! Foaming Toilet Bowl Cleaner

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 19, 2011
Sandy Eggo
I bet y'all have seen this stuff advertised on TV. Or maybe not, it doesn't matter. Well, seeing they don't sell Sani-Flush any more, I decided to order some from Amazon. It arrived today and I immediately opened it and dumped a quarter cup of the stuff into my toilet. NOTHING! It didn't bubble, it didn't foam, it didn't even turn the water blue, it just sunk to the bottom and sat there. Well, I am not about to flush sixteen bucks down the toilet (pun intended) so I called Amazon customer service. I explained to the lady that answered what happened and that I am unable to return it through Kohl's or UPS because I have no transportation and I am not about to pay seven bucks for them to pick it up. She said they would just refund my money free of charge. I asked what I was supposed to do with the product, and she said "dispose of as you wish." I said, "you mean like dump it down the toilet?" I never heard a customer service representative laugh so hard in my life! It's nice to bring a little humor to someone's day.
I bet y'all have seen this stuff advertised on TV. Or maybe not, it doesn't matter. Well, seeing they don't sell Sani-Flush any more, I decided to order some from Amazon. It arrived today and I immediately opened it and dumped a quarter cup of the stuff into my toilet. NOTHING! It didn't bubble, it didn't foam, it didn't even turn the water blue, it just sunk to the bottom and sat there. Well, I am not about to flush sixteen bucks down the toilet (pun intended) so I called Amazon customer service. I explained to the lady that answered what happened and that I am unable to return it through Kohl's or UPS because I have no transportation and I am not about to pay seven bucks for them to pick it up. She said they would just refund my money free of charge. I asked what I was supposed to do with the product, and she said "dispose of as you wish." I said, "you mean like dump it down the toilet?" I never heard a customer service representative laugh so hard in my life! It's nice to bring a little humor to someone's day.
I don't like most clinging gel cleaners. I wish they did make something that would just clean all by itself because I'm am a lazy bathroom cleaner.

Available at Amazon and Wally World.
I bet y'all have seen this stuff advertised on TV. Or maybe not, it doesn't matter. Well, seeing they don't sell Sani-Flush any more, I decided to order some from Amazon. It arrived today and I immediately opened it and dumped a quarter cup of the stuff into my toilet. NOTHING! It didn't bubble, it didn't foam, it didn't even turn the water blue, it just sunk to the bottom and sat there. Well, I am not about to flush sixteen bucks down the toilet (pun intended) so I called Amazon customer service. I explained to the lady that answered what happened and that I am unable to return it through Kohl's or UPS because I have no transportation and I am not about to pay seven bucks for them to pick it up. She said they would just refund my money free of charge. I asked what I was supposed to do with the product, and she said "dispose of as you wish." I said, "you mean like dump it down the toilet?" I never heard a customer service representative laugh so hard in my life! It's nice to bring a little humor to someone's day.
I recently read the same thing about that stuff, that it's completely worthless.
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