TIL... (today I learned)

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
There's a subreddit on the Reddit forum called TIL, where people talk about a new thing they learned today. It can be on any topic - not just cooking. Thought it might be fun to share them with each other. I'll start.

TIL that the Google Assistant on my phone will turn on the flashlight with the Hogwarts magical command "Lumos!" If you have an Android phone, say, "Hello Google," to activate the assistant and then say, "Lumos!"

The command "Nox" will turn it off.

What did you learn today?

Thanks! On my Samsung Galaxy its "Hey Bixby". Cool to know it will turn on my flashlight with a voice command. Thanks again!

Tried "lumos" and that worked too.
Thanks! On my Samsung Galaxy its "Hey Bixby". Cool to know it will turn on my flashlight with a voice command. Thanks again!

Tried "lumos" and that worked too.
Yeah, I use the Google Assistant instead of Bixby, because I can use voice commands for directions, music, etc., in my car when my phone is connected. Same kind of thing.
I tried "hello google" and nothing happened. Bixby responds though when I say "hey Bixby".
I learned that I should have become a plumber, as I was writing a check for $1,300 for two hours of work today.

I once paid a plumber $198 to flush a toilet.

Basically, I was seeing all these little flies that I knew were not fruit flies. Come to find out, it was "sewer flies." I used all kinds of remedies. Finally broke down to call a plumber. He walked in and asked where all plumbing outlets were. I pointed him to the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry. While in the basement, he saw the enclosed toilet. He walked it. It is rarely used and was bone dry. He flushed it. Little flies flew about. He said, "I think that will fix it." And gave me the check. He was here MAYBE 10 minutes but only because he introduced himself.
I once paid a plumber $198 to flush a toilet.

Basically, I was seeing all these little flies that I knew were not fruit flies. Come to find out, it was "sewer flies." I used all kinds of remedies. Finally broke down to call a plumber. He walked in and asked where all plumbing outlets were. I pointed him to the bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry. While in the basement, he saw the enclosed toilet. He walked it. It is rarely used and was bone dry. He flushed it. Little flies flew about. He said, "I think that will fix it." And gave me the check. He was here MAYBE 10 minutes but only because he introduced himself.
You weren't paying him for the time he spent fixing the problem, you were paying him for knowing what to do.
TIL that using a whisk is much easier than a potato masher when making mashed potatoes. I did cook the potatoes with no salt. According to Danes, that is the better way to cook potatoes for mash. I'm still not sure that it actually makes a difference. Something about salt "increasing the structural integrity of starch". I'm dubious, but willing to experiment.
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i went to plumbing school, dropped out when i got an apprenticeship in a french pastry shop.
Today I do all my own plumbing at home, it was never about the money.
I admire both pastry chefs and plumbers. I would be lousy at both because I do not measure. Truly. 🤷‍♀️

@dragnlaw I flush it at least once a week now! :whistling
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