What is a puff pancake?

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Head Chef
Jan 16, 2016
Puget Sound, WA
I saw a picture of a tented looking pancake with fruit stuffed under it and it was called a puff pancake. But there was no recipe listed with it and all I got online when I searched for it is puff pastry. And no one is calling that puff pastry a pancake. The only pictures I see for odd looking pancakes are ones of "bubble" pancakes. So I thought I'd throw this question out to you guys.
Could it be a Dutch Baby? 🤔


They are sort of a sweet version of Yorkshire Pudding.

I don’t have a preferred recipe but there are many easy inexpensive recipes available on the internet.
It's funny, but when I did a search for 'puff pancake', I get descriptions and pictures of, and recipes for, German pancakes or Dutch Babies. Is your Google broken?
It's funny, but when I did a search for 'puff pancake', I get descriptions and pictures of, and recipes for, German pancakes or Dutch Babies. Is your Google broken?
Chill, dude. All I saw were bubble pancakes, but I was also looking for something to fit the picture I saw. Think of a pancake puffed up looking like a tent you set up. In other words, it looked like an upside down Dutch baby. A Dutch baby is not what I saw when I saw the pic of the puff pancake.
Could they have been referring to pita bread? They puff up like a balloon.

pita bread puff.jpg
not for long but they look impressive!
I'm beginning to think I actually saw a picture of a Dutch Baby before it deflated. So that could just be the simple explanation.

On the plus side, I learned what a puff pancake actually is and I now have another new recipe to play with. You guys are awesome! Thank you!
I'm beginning to think I actually saw a picture of a Dutch Baby before it deflated. So that could just be the simple explanation.

On the plus side, I learned what a puff pancake actually is and I now have another new recipe to play with. You guys are awesome! Thank you!
The shape of the finished product is definitely unpredictable.

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