What's cookin' for Monday, January 15?

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
I haven't started one of these daily menu threads in a few years, and I've got a big pot of chicken and andouille sausage gumbo on the stove. I don't have a recipe, this is something I learned to cook back in Port Arthur, and make it from memory. I can't get Tasso up here in Dallas, so I make my own.


Yesterday, I started some St. Louis Style Pork Ribs in the sous vide. Tonight, I will finish the ribs on the gas BBQ...in the snow! LOL...the grill in under cover on the back porch. Additionally, a pot of Saucy BBQ Beans and Airfryer/Combo Oven baked potatoes with all the fixins'. That should be plenty! And, fun in the middle of winter in the great PNW!
Open faced sandwiches, ww bread toasted with avocado spread on them, topped with tomato slices, other with cucumber slices. Delicious. Black bean brownies w/chocolate chips and dried cherries.
Yesterday, I started some St. Louis Style Pork Ribs in the sous vide. Tonight, I will finish the ribs on the gas BBQ...in the snow! LOL...the grill in under cover on the back porch. Additionally, a pot of Saucy BBQ Beans and Airfryer/Combo Oven baked potatoes with all the fixins'. That should be plenty! And, fun in the middle of winter in the great PNW!
Tonight for supper I made a pasta dish I have made a few times before. I'm always surprised how much we like it. I got it from a Danish recipe site. It's pasta with bacon, pears, and blue cheese. I use whole grain fusilli, Danish blue cheese, and pears from Ontario. I served it with a green salad with some of my batch vinaigrette. We had a bargain wine from the SAQ: Citra Chardonnay Terre di Chieti, White wine. Mostly mentioning the wine in case anyone comes across it. It was really nice.

Pasta with bacon, pears and blue cheese and a salad.jpg
Pasta with bacon, pears, and blue cheese.jpg
CITRA - Chardonnay Terre di Chieti.jpg
Thanks. Not 100% but better. I guess I got some really good drugs from the urgent care. I fear the cough will linger for a while.

I've had a lingering cough since around Christmas. It is truly annoying, isn't it?

Taxy, give me a day or so... On a tablet that is intent on having me commit suicide, not able to put in a link.

Or try Seasons and Suppers - Pork Tenderloin with Mustard Sauce. Super easy not a lot of ingredients and all you would have on hand.
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