Death Wish Coffee for sale...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
The Strongest Coffee in the World: Death Wish Coffee - Death Wish Coffee Company

From link:

Death Wish Coffee is a breakthrough in the coffee world. Typically dark roast coffee has less caffeine in comparison to lighter roast coffees due to the caffeine being stricken from the bean during the roasting process. Here at Death Wish Coffee we have found a coffee bean with close to 200% more caffeine than your typical coffee shop coffee; we roast it to a medium-dark for a strong and robust flavor and then we grind it to the proper level for extreme potency.
mmmm, all of the flavour, and more of the bad aspects of coffee.

why not add alcohol and cancer causing agents, and market it to young people?

just stupid.

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Oh geez, I wouldn't be able to get my socks on....shaking so bad I couldn't find my feet! No thanks.

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