ISO feedback about boxer puppies

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Executive Chef
May 25, 2004
Mission, Texas
My DH has been offered a boxer puppy for free and the kids are excited to get it. I've been researching their temperament, etc. but would like more info and/or feedback from you all. Thanks.
Boxers are wonderful dogs and very loving. The down side is that they are very energetic and impulsive. They stay "puppies" for many years. They also tend to be goat-like in that they will eat anything! I had a neighbor who's boxer ate an entire wetsuit. If you have the time and the energy for a boxer, you will never regret having one, but they really do require a lot of energy and patience.
Boxers are playful and need attention. They can be rough, but, not intentionally. Kids are good for them. They are smart dogs and can be trained. Have lots of chew toys. Did you by chance watch Greatest American Dog? The winner is Presley, a boxer. Cutest guy!!

Boxers are great! They are also really good jumpers and can jump over fences pretty easily, but I don't know if that is a problem for most boxer owners. They are sweet and loving and very loyal and protective. I belong to a German Shepherd message board, so I figured there must be boxer forums as well. I found quite a few, including this one: Boxer Board.

Yep. All of the above.

But how old are your kids? Beagles are a lot more layed back and kid friendly if your children are too small to repect a live dog. A Boxer would be more likely to grow up with issues if mishandled, although I believe no puppy should be "mishandled", but that's the way it is. Beagle type dogs are far more tolerant than Boxers and little mishaps won't come back to bite you (so to speak).
and they slobber. beagles are good with kids, but heaven help you if you get a roamer like my son's beagle . he got out of everything until my son wired the edges of the fence and yard.
My kids are 14, 12 and 5. I have until Saturday to decide if we should get it or not. The gentleman will hold it until then. My daughter and I just went to Petco and WalMart to check on essentials for the pup.
If you decide to get the pup, Dina, be sure and get a big kennel right away. Because they are very boisterous and impulsive, you won't want to leave him unattended even for a minute for a very long time. Still, if you have high-energy kids who will enjoy lots of physical play with him, he could be the perfect addition to your family! Let us know and be sure and post pics.
If you decide to get the pup, Dina, be sure and get a big kennel right away. Because they are very boisterous and impulsive, you won't want to leave him unattended even for a minute for a very long time. Still, if you have high-energy kids who will enjoy lots of physical play with him, he could be the perfect addition to your family! Let us know and be sure and post pics.
If we do get a dog again it will be an indoor one. I read that dogs should be confined in crates large enough where they can just stand and turn. The kids also want to get a dog litter box to housebreak it. Do you know if they work well?
My kids are 14, 12 and 5. I have until Saturday to decide if we should get it or not. The gentleman will hold it until then. My daughter and I just went to Petco and WalMart to check on essentials for the pup.

Yeah, 14 and 12 is good. And the five year old can learn by example.
Should be a good fit. I say go for it :) I'm sure the older kids would love a Boxer.
I'm sorry, I've always called a crate a kennel. Yes, it's recommended that you don't get a huge kennel for a small dog but a boxer will get big very fast.:) I'm using one for my puppy and it's rather large for his size but he's never had an accident in it. Of course, he's only in it at night or on the rare occasion we all have to be out of the house. He actually loves his kennel and goes to it when he gets tired at night.

I haven't ever used a litter box but I know people who use pads and papers, etc. and it works for them. The only reason I never used them is that there has always been someone home to walk our puppy every couple of hours. Otherwise we'd have to use one, too!
I'm a big believer in NOT training a dog to "potty" inside. Dog litterboxes might have their place and purpose, like maybe an 80 year old person with a Pomeranian in a high rise.... in a place where they get 84 inches od snow every winter..., but if someone can be home all day or check on the pup and let it out every four hours, there is no need for litterboxes or puppy pads. IMO.
Our Violet is part boxer and part border collie. She has the strength (and slobbering) of the boxer. The big problem is they are strong dogs and sometimes don't realize just how strong they are. We taught her "gentle" from the day we got her and at 4 she is such a sweetie. She is wonderful around kids. Keep us posted, Dina!
I sure hope you aren't planning on having a boxer as an "indoor dog".
You will not have a house left.
HUGE amounts of energy. MUST have good amounts of exercise... daily.
And you will need to be a strong alpha owner.. and I recommend good,
dedicated TRAINING.
Boxers are superb hounds, but they take a lot of work and time.
My daughter and I just went to Petco and WalMart to check on essentials for the pup.

Dina, if you've been to Wal-Mart and Petco "just looking" you've already decided and you know it-Good for you!! All kids should have a dog.

Have you picked out a name yet? I think "Smoke King" or "Bob" are both fine names.:LOL:

Be sure and let us know how it turns out!!
Make sure to posts pics if you do pick it up. Dogs are a lot of work but are worth it
Dina they are great wonderful family pets. Very playful and happy.
I just wish their life span was longer. They have an extremely high
cancer rate. Max was only about 9 when we lost him.

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