Porch settin'!

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Katie H

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Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
As long as we can, Buck and I sit out on our spacious front porch - 30 feet by 12 feet deep. We've been blessed with extraordinary weather this late in the year this year, in that we've been able to sit out on the porch, in our shorts, most evenings until at least 8:30. Tonight, we're out here again and are being "serenaded" by a heavy, steady rain. Quite soothing, actually. In a way, knowing that the ground will be softer to prepare for Tucker's final resting place.

Through all this, we are surrounded by a myriad of our outside kitties, who have perched themselves upon the porch railing. So, as I look around, I see Mama Chiefy, daughter Sally, Squeakers, Violet, newly-proclaimed president, Thelma, and Sally's brother, Mack, asleep in my arms.

I'm gonna miss my porch settin' time with my babies. This "time out" certainly is more theraputic and less expensive than any drug therapy I can imagine.
God's crying with you Katie. The peace just seeps into your bones doesn't it? I envy you, I want a porch like yours.
God's crying with you Katie. The peace just seeps into your bones doesn't it? I envy you, I want a porch like yours.

Come on down, Alix! I'm told that one of the original "ladies of the house" hosted at least 4 tables of bridge on this porch.

Trust me. It's huge. I only gave the dimensions of part of it.

Right now it's raining "pitchforks and hammer handles," as my grandmother said, and Buck and are only feeling a bit of high humidity.
As long as we can, Buck and I sit out on our spacious front porch - 30 feet by 12 feet deep. We've been blessed with extraordinary weather this late in the year this year, in that we've been able to sit out on the porch, in our shorts, most evenings until at least 8:30. Tonight, we're out here again and are being "serenaded" by a heavy, steady rain. Quite soothing, actually. In a way, knowing that the ground will be softer to prepare for Tucker's final resting place.

Through all this, we are surrounded by a myriad of our outside kitties, who have perched themselves upon the porch railing. So, as I look around, I see Mama Chiefy, daughter Sally, Squeakers, Violet, newly-proclaimed president, Thelma, and Sally's brother, Mack, asleep in my arms.

I'm gonna miss my porch settin' time with my babies. This "time out" certainly is more theraputic and less expensive than any drug therapy I can imagine.
Oh Im so glad you are feeling a bit better I keep tearing up over Tucker everytime I read one of your posts Im a cryer as far as I can remember especially when it comes to animals.I wish I had a porch like you have how nice to be able to sit out and enjoy the rain,rain is very soothing to me.Having a porch in general would be great I want to have a huge porch some day hopefully a big wrap around porch part with screens and part open its a fantasy of mine,
Katie - I have been using Porch Therapy myself this week - it's truly a blessing. I could REALLY use some Rain Therapy as we have had......mmmmmm........just a couple days rain in the last 2 months or so? Whatever it's been it hasn't been much, I can tell you that! But the weather is beautiful for porch sitting and I'm glad you are surrounded by your kitties. It's actually been cool enough here a couple nights that whoever is over gets a quilt or a blanket to wrap up in. Red wine weather.........that's what I call it! Want a glass of Shiraz?
Katie - I have been using Porch Therapy myself this week - it's truly a blessing. I could REALLY use some Rain Therapy as we have had......mmmmmm........just a couple days rain in the last 2 months or so? Whatever it's been it hasn't been much, I can tell you that! But the weather is beautiful for porch sitting and I'm glad you are surrounded by your kitties. It's actually been cool enough here a couple nights that whoever is over gets a quilt or a blanket to wrap up in. Red wine weather.........that's what I call it! Want a glass of Shiraz?

Yep. This is the first measurable rain in almost 3 months. We'll see what the rain gauge says. Only had to have our grass cut 3 times this season. Usually every two weeks. Very dry.

As for the vino.....Looooooooooooove Shiraz. Pass the glass.
I just saw where we are supposed to wake up to rain in the morning - I wish I had a hammock on the porch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd sleep there tonight! I have a bottle of sparkling shiraz called Goosebumps - we might have to bring that out Halloween night! :LOL: Care to join me?
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We must have similar houses - my front porch is also 12' x 30'. There is also a deck the same size directly above it, but not covered. Is yours like that? We live on the front porch almost year round. The floor is smooth concrete so all my little ones over the years have drawn on it with chalk. Right now, it's covered with Fisher's alphabet and words he can spell and simple addition problems. I have a long oak bench that came out of an old school - remember sitting on a bench in the hall outside the Principal's office? Also more chairs and small tables. We often sit out there till well after midnight. There's a ceiling fan that helps keep it bearable in the summer. You're right - it's the scene of so many precious memories for me.
Sadly we have no porch, just a deck in the back that's open to the elements. So no watching the rain from the deck.

We do enjoy sitting out there on our reclining loungers with gin and tonics watching the world go by,
We must have similar houses - my front porch is also 12' x 30'. There is also a deck the same size directly above it, but not covered. Is yours like that? We live on the front porch almost year round. The floor is smooth concrete so all my little ones over the years have drawn on it with chalk. Right now, it's covered with Fisher's alphabet and words he can spell and simple addition problems. I have a long oak bench that came out of an old school - remember sitting on a bench in the hall outside the Principal's office? Also more chairs and small tables. We often sit out there till well after midnight. There's a ceiling fan that helps keep it bearable in the summer. You're right - it's the scene of so many precious memories for me.

Wow, Fisher's Mom. Isn't it wonderful to have such a porch? No, we don't have a deck above. Our house was built in 1880, so the porch is the original huge front porch. Any other "porch" area we have is a sleeping porch off of our bedroom on the second floor. On the third floor (yes, this house is three stories) there is a widow's porch, complete with a huge turret roof. Don't confuse this with a widow's walk, which is something different and a New England thing. We also have a resident ghost. So far, friendly and not scary or destructive.
Oh my gosh - a widow's porch! I love those! My house was built in 1920 so yours is significantly older. I do have a sleeping porch which is off of 2 of the second floor bedrooms but I use it as an office now. But there were 3 porches on the first floor originally. The side and back porches were semi-closed in years ago - one is like a sun porch now and the other is a small bedroom now. But the upstairs deck area is original - has a metal floor/roof. I can watch the fireworks downtown from there. Porches really are a pleasure - they make up for the constant hassle of trying to live in an old house with old plumbing and wiring and plaster etc.!
Porch,deck, patio,or a darkened family room, it's cool, we have a fire going and watching it jump and dance is soothing. Sitting here just the two of us, talking over all the days events..I'm lucky, I have so much to be happy about and grateful for. We've talked about kids, home, us, and spent time remembering our furry friends who aren't with us anymore. MY max and maggie both loved the fire and would stretch out in front of it and sleep. I can almost feel their warm little bodies and smile at the sight in my mind.
All of this is soothing and pleasant..What makes it so? Being here, and knowing you are with those you love and who love you.

I wish our front porch was a bit bigger. It is 30 ft long, but only 5 feet deep - not deep enough for me. We have a deeper deck on one side where we have a park bench and a screened porch on the back where it is comfortable to sit and also a deck near the pool. My mom sits on her porch almost every evening and many times one or more of her neighbors drop over to spend a bit of time with her. Many good stories have been shared on the porch.
Wrong Place

Oh, did your post bring back memories! thankfully I still have them. Just sitting on the porch was such a treat and now no one has those around here. Only place I see them, like the ones you describe, is in the country. AND the people DO wave! It is times like this that I know I am in the wrong place. To have a husband to share it with sounds so foreign to me. It really isn't the big things that really count but all the little things. Seems God blesses us with things He knows we need. You just happen to get the icing with the cake. Whenever I comment on someone having good life, it is by no means I am jealous. Just thankful they have the good things and appreciate them. I have often been told that I am jealous of my sister whenever I describe what a beautiful house she has. Not true. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut but really I am happy for her. In the bible says, 'as a man thinkith in his heart so is he' and I am not jealous. Thanks for sharing your feeling with us. As I said, brought back memories.

Oh, are you in the country?
Yep, nothing like a front porch to soothe the nerves and get in touch with one's self. My aunt had a huge front porch and this was back before air conditioning but it was always cool out there and caught the breezes. At dusk and evening we kids would catch fireflies using old jars and the adults would sit on the porch yakking. Ever so often someone would drive by and stop for awhile----and we always had relatives dropping in. And talk about a haven for the cats!!!!! Thanks for the memories, Katie E, and glad that there is a new el Presidente to take over. Hope that you have an extra wine glass and a jar for catching fireflies!! :)
Wish I had a porch to sit on. A covered porch on the front of the house.
I have a very tiny open deck in the back. Unfortunately I can't watch the rain from it otherwise I'd get soaked.
I was *trying* to do some therapeutic porch sitting the other day, when my two dogs came rolling and growling up the steps. I thought they were having a big fight, and they were, but not with each other--with a squirrel.

They stopped about half way across the porch. The squirrel was only half dead--the front half, still quite lively, sunk its teeth deeeep into Trouble's front paw, which caused him to whip around in circles and yelp, squirrel whirling right around with him, and the other dog followed along, trying to catch the squirrel.

And me:ohmy:--I am sitting there thinking that any moment they were going to deposit that mean old thing right in my lap, so I jumped off the end of the porch, and knocked over the only two container plants that hadn't already been knocked over. :wacko:

They finally killed the little bugger dead, and spent the next 4 days burying and exhuming him, until I traded a piece of cold pizza for the carcass and disposed of him properly.:dry:

Whew. Not very restful.

I do love my porch, most days.:LOL:

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