Review #100: Lays Kettle Cooked Jalapeno potato chips review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
Yes posters that number is correct. After counting up all the potato chips, all the pita chips, pretzel products, and other specialty snack food products I have tasted this is review number 100.

I do have four other reviews up not counting towards that 100 number.

Okay onto the review:

I was finally able to spot this potato chip in a small bag in a Subway fast food joint.

The chip had a great crunch to it.

Nice thickness to the chip.

Nice orange-reddish color to the chip

Nice Jalapeño flavor to the chip. Not too hot though.

I have to give this chip a solid thumbs in the middle.

More reviews to come!!!
Let's hear it for kleenex's pursuit of his/her passion! Your determination to eat every chip in the universe does not fail to astound.
mudbug said:
Let's hear it for kleenex's pursuit of his/her passion! Your determination to eat every chip in the universe does not fail to astound.


Congratulations, kleenex!

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love to know more about you, i.e., what is your gender? do you eat anything else besides snack foods? how did you get started on reviewing snacks? etc.

Kleenex, since I'm new here, i didn't know you did snack reviews. But I must say, my mom would LOVE you since she LOVES chips ... she always says she's gonna clean out her pantry and fill it with nothing but bags of chips ...
QSis said:

Congratulations, kleenex!

do you eat anything else besides snack foods? how did you get started on reviewing snacks? etc.


Yes I do eat more than just snack foods. chicken, turkey, garlic roast beef, etc...

But when I eat a sandwich or a hot dog I have to have a snack food to go with it.

I got started on my run of 100 snacks with a small bag of Miss Vickies Jalapeño flavored potato chips, then I saw another bag of Jalapeño flavored potato chips and then it just snowballed from there. I do not know when I am going to quit.
kleenex said:
Yes posters that number is correct. After counting up all the potato chips, all the pita chips, pretzel products, and other specialty snack food products I have tasted this is review number 100.

Out of the 100 reviews, what would you say is your favorite chip?
I enjoy reading your reviews. :cool: So far Lays Kettle Cooked Jalapeno potato chips are my favorites, but I will definitely have to try Blair's Death Rain Habanero chips as soon as I can find them. Thanks!

:) Barbara
Kleenex, I think DH would love the habanero chips. Thanx for the info.
MJ said:
I'll have to look for Blaires death chips and try them out - I love habanero peppers. I like the Firery Habanero Doritos too, although not very hot IMO, but hot enough for most.

I tried the fiery Habanero Doritos...

firey habanero doritos review

They should not get the right to be called a habanero flavored chip, but they did try.

To easily find all of the Blair's fiery foods go here.
Welcome to Home of Blair's Death Sauce!

I found his potato chips at a specialty foods store in my local area that sells loads of different hot sauces.
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