Sunday Special - DID YOU KNOW Revisited

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
Sunday Special - DID YOU KNOW Revisited

This is the quiz where we see if you've been reading the daily DID YOU KNOW..........

Fill in the Blanks.....

1. The State which averages the most tornadoes each year is ________ .
2. In 1868 approximately ________ meteorites fell on the town of Pultusk, Poland in one night !
3. The _______ is the most widely consumed fish in the world. Nutritionally, its fuel value is equal to beefsteak.
4. Underneath that beautiful white coat, a Polar Bear's skin is _____ .
5. George A. Custer was the youngest American Officer to become a General in the United States Army..... He Made this rank at age ____________ !
6. The Cello's real name is the ____________ ...... the Piano's is the __________ .
7. _________ contains more than 25% of the world's forests.
8. Vanilla is the extract of fermented and dried pods of several species of ________ .
9. A 42-U.S. gallon barrel of crude oil provides slightly more than ___ gallons of petroleum products.
10. If stretched end to end, all the _______ toys sold since 1945, when they first came on the scene-would circle the globe 126 times.
11.According to the WHO, somewhere in the world, one woman dies __ __________ every minute.
12. ________ , ______ , was flourishing a couple of thousand years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existence. 13. ________ _______ holds the world record for the longest ovation ever on the operatic stage: 101 curtain calls and 80 minutes of applause, in Vienna, after singing Othello on June 30, 1991.
14. _________
Avenue in _______ , ________ was the first Hard-paved road in the Americas
15. your fingernails grow at an average rate of ___ _____ __ __ _____ per month.

1. Texas.
2. 100,000
3. Herring
4. Black
5. Twenty-Three
6. Violoncello.....Pianoforte
7. Siberia
8. Orchids
9. 44
10. Slinky
11. In Childbirth
12. Damascus, Syria
13. Placido Domingo
14. Woodward Avenue...... Detroit, Michigan
15. one-tenth of an inch

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