Cannoli Ice Cream Cake

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

We were invited to a dinner party this past weekend and the hostess asked me to make the dessert for 14 guests.

I made this recipe:
Tracy's Living Cookbook: cannoli ice cream cake
with a few changes...
Instead of mini chocolate chips, I had a bag very good of chocolate buttons, so I rough chopped them.
Instead of using a loaf pan, I lined a 9 inch spring form cake pan with plastic wrap, so much easier to unmold and serve for a crowd.
One more thing, I doubled the "crust" portion to 6 biscottis with 4 tablespoons of butter. In fact, I think next time I make this recipe, I'll triple the crust.
I know summer is over and done, but,
who doesn't like Ice Cream? :yum:
this looks fantastic! thanks, kgirl.

although, i'm not sure what makes it a cannoli. doesn't matter. it's ice cream cake.

i scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!
bucky, this recipe from Cook's Illustrated has the components of a cannoli. Cream, ricotta, chocolate chips, pistachio nuts, orange peel and then the crushed biscotti imitates the shell. I thought it tasted alot like a cannoli.

duh, me. i was thinking tiramisu, not cannolis.

but it's still ICE CREAM!!!:w00t2:
it's really ONO!
I think the next time I make this, I'll make the cookies chunkier and try to find (or make) pistachio or just plain biscotti instead of the almond, that's more sense recipe wise anywhos
ooh, now there's a thought!
I've never made my own biscotti before, hmmm... :idea:
I've made biscotti. It's easy - just more time-consuming since they're baked twice. But you can probably make two dozen for the amount of money you'd spend for just a few at Starbucks, like the recipe suggests. Good stuff.
I love white wedding cake with white frosting, Iowa chocolate cake, pineapple upside-down cake, carrot cake, bee sting cake, and PEO cake, not necessarily in that order. :pig:
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