Membership numbers - I'm so impressed!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
Buck and I were talking a couple of nights ago about the growth of this site. He said it seemed as though membership was expanding at an amazing rate. Since I'm a "number" person (read that to mean I count things), I decided to track new members coming on board. I was amazed!!

In the last two days (24 hours' time for each cycle) membership has increased by 40+ each time. In no time we'll be at 20,000. Somebody is clearly doing something right. And I know who it is...everyone here!!!! Thanks admins, site folks and members.:):):)

So give yourselves a great big hand:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:because, by leaps and bounds, you are proving that this is a first class, wonderful site. Congratulations. I'm so happy to have found you.

Go DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a rapid growth like this once too...thank goodnesss for the cream!

The growth of the site is amazing. Whenever I log on, I can count on a lot of new names here.

As an admin and mod on other sites, I know it has to make the staff of DC smile everyday!
I had a rapid growth like this once too...thank goodnesss for the cream!

The growth of the site is amazing. Whenever I log on, I can count on a lot of new names here.

As an admin and mod on other sites, I know it has to make the staff of DC smile everyday!

Smile and work very hard to "catch" all the improper names!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ohmy:
Yay, Yay and hip-hip-hooraay. It is so nice to have someone to turn to ... I'm the one people find in the grocery store to figure out what type of rice to buy, whether to buy a pork tenderloin or pork loin or .... My sibs and friends come to me (I've gotten calls across many time zones and even continents to answer food-oriented questions, anything from planting to the total end result (i.e., maybe it is time you put your baby on water rather than apple juice!). So it is nice to have a source and to be able to "chat" with like-minded folk.
Yes Claire, I second your thoughts to a tee! I'm always getting asked for cooking advice, which of course is no problem at all. But I'm loving having a forum to share with folks who share my passion. What did we do b4 the internet? (and cell phones!)
I found this place by accident just 10 minutes ago - I think I was looking up something about the 5 mother sauces. I just recently joined another culinary forum, but this one has much more traffic. So anyway, I'm glad you all got to meet me :-p
I am one of those new members. The reason I joined is I was active in another site such as this here in So.Cal - unfortunately the powers that be did not monitor it very well and we got overcome with spam. There are a few diehards left, but I got tired of it. It will take me some time to learn how to use this website and I am looking forward to it.

Barbara said:
I am one of those new members. The reason I joined is I was active in another site such as this here in So.Cal - unfortunately the powers that be did not monitor it very well and we got overcome with spam. There are a few diehards left, but I got tired of it. It will take me some time to learn how to use this website and I am looking forward to it.


What, spam doesn't belong in a cooking forum? Sorry, I'll go now........:wacko:
Barbara said:
I am one of those new members. The reason I joined is I was active in another site such as this here in So.Cal - unfortunately the powers that be did not monitor it very well and we got overcome with spam. There are a few diehards left, but I got tired of it. It will take me some time to learn how to use this website and I am looking forward to it.


You make a good point Barbara about sites monitoring the spam content. On this site, the admins and mods do such a fantastic job of filtering all that out very fast. It goes to show that the staff on here really are on here all the time to protect us, as well as giving great input in all forums.
amber said:
You make a good point Barbara about sites monitoring the spam content. On this site, the admins and mods do such a fantastic job of filtering all that out very fast. It goes to show that the staff on here really are on here all the time to protect us, as well as giving great input in all forums.

Also, I notice there seems to be lots of them. Thanks for your comment.
Barbara said:
Also, I notice there seems to be lots of them. Thanks for your comment.
There is actually only just one of us, with multiple personalities ;)
Its amazing how this place has grown! From a few hundred in 2003... and now to THIS! :) Just as long as they bow down to Tawny Frogmouth! :LOL:


Its our mascot! :rolleyes:
I was actually looking for a cooking forum.
At first I joined this one, but the main forum page wouldn't load that day, so I joined another forum. It was pretty lame, and I came back to give this one another chance, when it finally worked I saw how many categories there are. That's always a good way to attract people, many categories that aren't too closely related, and are all active.

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