Happy T-Day everyone! 11-23-17

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Master Chef
Jan 27, 2011
Hope you all have a great day!:chef: I just put the bird on the BGE to smoke with pecan. Our turkey stock is back on the stove after being de-fatted.:ermm: It is the consitency of jello.:ROFLMAO:
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I love turkey jell-o. Our turkey is still in its salt bath. Four desserts made and prep done for the rest of the meal. Just need to roast the bird and make the stuffing and a side.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I love turkey jell-o. Our turkey is still in its salt bath. Four desserts made and prep done for the rest of the meal. Just need to roast the bird and make the stuffing and a side.

I brined ours Tuesday evening, pulled it out late last night to dry in the fridge. I pulled it from the fridge to warm up at 5:00 AM. It went on the Egg just before I started the thread. Now I'm going to start chopping vege for the dressing and summer squash casserole.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

All I really need to do is roast the bird and make the gravy. DD and I have been prepping this meal for 2 days so all we really need to do is warm or assemble everything else.

We DID have one culinary mishap. More on that later.
The bird is done.


Not as deep a mahogany color as birds done on the offset, but that smokey aroma is on point.
Holy Cow!
That was worth every last bit of effort!


Deconstructed 12# turkey for two
Dressing Casserole
Pillsbury Cresent Rolls (I only had ONE of the 8 ;))
loads of Gravy
Mashed Potatoes (1st time in 30 odd years I got it RIGHT!!)
Deconstructed Brussel Sprouts


Its a good thing STARTED with pie!
Ross, I know what you mean - we had no leftovers so we had scrambled eggs & cheese with sliced tomatoes & cucumbers and toast for supper.

Lunch, however, was a totally different story - ham, turkey, dressing, collards, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy, banana pudding, rice pudding, and cake. Just a little bit of each.

But, one good thing about no leftovers - more than likely you don't have to worry about doing dishes.
I hope everyone enjoyed their day.

I didn't get pictures of the whole meal. But I did manage to snap a few.




Marinated mushrooms in the center, Cream Cheese, Green Olive and Walnuts Poppers around center bowl, Triscuits on top and then clockwise pepperoni, Trader Joe's smoked cheese, Smoked gouda, Muenster, Cheddar, Sopressata.


Black olives and red seedless grapes


Turkey breast half, leg and wing.


Apple Pie


Pumpkin Pie

Sorry that's all the pictures I got.

Dinner was Roasted Turkey and small amounts of each of these sides (not much leftovers except turkey, gravy and stuffing for sandwiches and soup):

Mashed Sweet Potato & Acorn Squash
Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower
Brussels sprouts
Mashed red and Yukon potatoes
Creamed Pearl Onions
Homemade Turkey Gravy
Sautéed mushrooms
Homemade Cranberry/Tangerine Relish
Homemade Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce
Jellied Cranberry sauce
Happy T-day! Instead of cranberry sauce, I made chokecherry cherry sauce. Mom can't have cranberries. I did the dressing in a Bundt pan. Dissected the bird, just cooked the breast and back. The wings and legs went in the smoker. The meat off those went in the freezer. Bones are with the carcass for stock/soup. Oven roasted beets and mashed potatoes and gravy.
TB met his brother, sister, and her husband, at the local Pho restaurant last night. It is becoming our second home because it is close, reasonable, and the food is fast and delicious. I didn't go as my bronchitis is still bad and coughing has irritated my back injury and general chronic pain to the point that sitting (or any position) for too long is excruciating.

I had some wonton soup TB brought back for me. I don't eat any beef so all the pho soups are off my list and my usual tempura doesn't travel well. Their wontons are made with rice noodles!

They all came back to our place so I could visit with his sister and her hubby. They moved 3 hours away just about the time that we moved to the city they, their brother and parents have lived in forever! They hadn't seen Miley so it was a two for one trip! ;)
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SIL made turkey and stuffing, cauliflower, and acorn squash.She also had cranberry relishes (jelly and whole berry). We brought a small relish dish, red and white wines, my homemade pumpkin pie, and a mini version of the top layer of our wedding cake (since 11-23 is our wedding anniversary). The original top layer was about 10" across, had eight lobes to the scallop (the baker used scalloped cake pans for all three layers), and had the flower trim every-other indentation. We aren't big cake eaters, so I ordered a six-inch cake. The baker was supposed to make four cuts into the cake, but she thought it was better with three. I guess the cake was too small to do four. Way too much icing, and the colored icing had a unique flavor to it, but the cake was yummy. Considering the flowers looked a bit large for the size of the cake, it was kinda cute.


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