The Most Horrible Wine You've Ever Had?

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I'm not a wine connoisseur (I do miss Steve Kroll, whatever happened to him btw?), but I do enjoy a glass or three come the "Cocktail Hour".

I'm also not one to spend big coin on wine either, but I figured it's the holidays, I'll be generous.

For the Christmas Season, I purchased an assortment of wines, seeing as my younger Sister would be in attendance (and I knew she wouldn't bring anything), she likes reds more so than myself.

I saw this wine with a pretty high 'score' from so called experts, and thought it might be fun to partake in a Sangria with our hor dourves one evening.

For whatever the reason, we never got to this bottle and I took it home.



It was HORRIBLE!!!!

WAY too sweet, sickeningly so, that the only way I could get it down was by mixing 1 part wine to 4 parts Club Soda, in essence a Sangria Spritzer if you will.

Now I like Sangria, but this was NOT it!
It took me awhile, but I finally finished the bottle, with the aid of TWO large bottles of Club Soda! :stuart:

Why did I drink it then, I hear you asking … because I'm cheap!
I didn't want to waste it, so I figured a Spritzer would help to make it the most tolerable.

Have you come across a wine that you thought you'd like, but didn't?
Yep, it was 2 buck chuck from Trader Joes's back when it was really $2. I poured my glass and the rest of the bottle down the drain as I couldn't stand it and I didn't even want to cook with it. :sick: It might be different now, but I'll never know. I'm sure not opposed to inexpensive wine as long as it tastes good to me.
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It's a toss up between some Greek wine that tasted like pine sap and a Merlot. I have come to the conclusion that even small amounts of Merlot are unpleasant to me. Sad thing is, that Merlot was not cheap. It wasn't an expensive wine, but more than my regular plonk that I enjoy far more. Adding Merlot is a great way to make an otherwise perfectly nice Cabernet Sauvignon taste nasty. I don't care what the wine guy in the fancy resto tells me about this Merlot is smooth.
When I was first divorced (early 90s), paying rent, child support and alimony, I bought some 3 for $12 reds. I came across more than one that was less than stellar.

Over time my tastes have become more 'discerning' and I'm willing to spend more for a bottle. ;)
My home made Kiwi wine that I made when I had over 800 kiwis and didn't know what to do with them after I ate and cooked my share.

Recently made apple wine with the by products from last years cider that we made, and just started a cranberry wine from the cranberries we got when we went cranberry picking last year. Not sure how bad they will be, but the kiwi wine sure did taste like crap. But a fun experience
Yep, it was 2 buck chuck from Trader Joes's back when it was really $2. I poured my glass and the rest of the bottle down the drain as I couldn't stand it and I didn't even want to cook with it. :sick: It might be different now, but I'll never know. I'm sure not opposed to inexpensive wine as long as it tastes good to me.

Kay, I'm with you on this. About a decade ago, Two Buck Chuck was the hot item. I tried it once and never went back. It was awful.
I can't drink any wine that isn't white. All red or pink wine gives me an instant headache, and I rarely have headaches. Although Champagne is obviously white, it doesn't like me either, as it makes me really goofy with only one glass.

My inexpensive Peter Villa California box wine is just fine with me, although with our membership to a wine club we often enjoy a bottle of special white wine.
MD 20/20 and Ripple, but they were dirt cheap in the 70's. Today I can't stand Shiraz, tastes horrible!:(
Prior to tasting this bottle of wine, the only other wine I've met that I didn't like awere Oaked, any sort of wine or now beer.
Have you seen this yet?
Aging Beer in different barrels, like Oak and barrels with Whiskey in them previously … :ermm: I dunno …
... most Chardonnay or OUT!!! :sick: I don't even like the smell of it.

NOW … my Three Buck Sauvignon Blanc isn't horrible :D
The Most Horrible Wine ...

… on the other side of that coin …

THE best wine I've ever had in my entire life was homemade "Italian" wine.

When DH and I were not married yet, he took me "back East" to meet the family … test run I suppose … and Uncle Jun(ior) broke out his stash from the cellar.
Aunt Jennette made hoagies to munch on with the wine, oh my GOSH!
I was in heaven. . Even DH had a glass and he hates wine :LOL:
Having grown up in Hawaii, I had not met folks like this and I adored them, instantly! They're all gone now, but I'll never forget that day.
Have you seen this yet?
Aging Beer in different barrels, like Oak and barrels with Whiskey in them previously … :ermm: I dunno …

Someone was telling me about this great wine they had - a Cabernet Sauvignon aged in bourbon barrels. Sounded odd, but I gave it a try.

Horrible! Ruined what might have been a good wine. So bad, I couldn't even put it in the fridge for cooking with.
While I have never actually tasted Pine Sol, that Greek wine I mentioned as a worst wine, did taste the way I imagine Pine Sol would taste.
I attended a wild stag party many years ago where, some how, while tied to a chair, the severely inebriated groom-to-be took a big swig from a bottle of dish soap..somehow it got out there from the kitchen of the hall where it was being held..he told us he peed suds the whole next day....
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I attended a wild stag party many years ago where, some how, while tied to a chair, the severely inebriated groom-to-be took a big swig from a bottle of dish soap..somehow it got out there from the kitchen of the hall where it was being held..he told us he peed suds the whole next day....


I have seen some of those stag parties, where they pour all sorts of stuff on the groom to be, such as mustard and ketchup. I betcha someone had planned on pouring the dish soap on him.
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