What's the last movie you watched?

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He Was a Quiet Man

It's a movie about a cubicle worker who is going crazy. If you work in an office then you will really like this movie.
We went and saw U2 3D last night on one of our IMAX screens. If you like U2, or even have a mild appreciation for what they do, go see it. If you're a fan, see it multiple times. I'll be going back soon. :mrgreen:
I went to see Waterhorse with my daughter's 5th grade class on a field trip. It was good. There were a few parts that had me working hard to choke back the tears, my daughter said she was doing the same thing. One of the boys in her class ended up crying though, sweet kid. :) I recommend it for anyone, good movie.
I love "Driving Miss Daisy". Another film that I just saw recently was "The Tudors". Wonderfully acted and done if you're into historical films which I am. Had it downloaded on a newly purchased itunes--itouch pod--OMG and was so amazed to see the movie on it---you have to check this out...it does everything...
We watched "The Buddy Holly Story." It has always been one of my favorite movies. I was surprised when James said he had never seen it before. Gary Busey was perfect for the part. In most movies you always know that he is Gary Busey (if that makes sense to you--I mean that he has a very distinctive look and voice), but in this movie he is Buddy Holly.

I watched Reality Bites this morning, early, I had never seen it before. Actually there are SO many movies I'm way behind on. Oh to someday be caught up of sorts. I liked this movie, it might not have struck me as deeply if I had seen it when I was younger.
Sherrybaby... odd little number.

The Hitcher (Updated version) .... it was ok. I think the original was better.
We saw No Country for Old Men at the matinee today. WOW - it was much more of a suspensful thriller thanI thought it would be. It was excellent, I recommend it, especially if you like any of the Cohen brothers other great movies (reminded me a little of Blood Simple).
We saw No Country for Old Men at the matinee today. WOW - it was much more of a suspensful thriller thanI thought it would be. It was excellent, I recommend it, especially if you like any of the Cohen brothers other great movies (reminded me a little of Blood Simple).

We LOVED it too! Excellent movie, the Coen brothers are geniuses!!! Fargo, The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Thou, Hudsucker Proxy....all excellent movies!

Glad you liked it! :)
Ok, watched a few more last night.. seems all the premium channels had some potentially decent premiers...

The Descent - Not near as good as the reviews I read. The only time I was surprised or scared was towards the end when a big truck drives by. And I was sooooo excited about seeing this movie!!!

The Lookout - This movie was pretty good and Joseph Gordon-Levitt was pretty good in this, however I found it a bit predictable.
"The Russell Girl." This was a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie. I didn't know until it was over that it was based on a real story.

If you did not get a chance to see this, you should (IMHO) buy it and a box of tissue and see it as soon as possible. It will be available at Hallmark Gold Crown stores February 1st.

Semi-interesting side-note: Amber Tamblyn was the lead actor in it. Her dad, Russ Tamblyn, is actually the cousin of a cousin of mine. I haven't seen my cousin since I was 7 years old (she was already an adult by then), and I don't think they had anything to do with each other anyway.

I saw Cloverfield on the 18th (nerd status: CONFIRMED). Don't eat before you see it. Motion sickness-prone individuals beware!

I like monster rampage movies, so I had high hopes going into the film, but it was not a monster movie in the traditional sense. It's part of a alternate reality game thinly veiled as a feature film. Those who will get the most out of it will be those who are already initiated into the game. Those playing along thinking the game was just pre-release hype will walk away with only one solid answer: the movie contains more clues than conclusions.

That said, it is still a weak movie. Heck, it's still a weak monster movie. It's not as bad as, say, the American Godzilla, but I'm a DVD collector and I'd have a really hard time dishing out more than $7 for Cloverfield when it's released. Some people I've spoken to have proclaimed the greatness of the handicam-POV as "realistic" and "intense." Probably true but this kind of intensity mostly comes from disorientation rather than great cinematography, and that brand of realism just doesn't belong in a situation where there's a gigantic monster destroying Manhattan! There are also those who will point out that the movie is a human story set against the backdrop of a monster rampage, but that story is really pretty lame and certainly beneath the guy who brought us "Lost."
Spent my afternoon finishing up menus for March, so put in a VCR tape of Driving Miss Daisy. What a great film even after so many years! Cast and story couldn't have been better.

I just rewatched Driving Miss Daisy, too, and it's a film that I never tire of seeing---as been already said such a great cast---anyone ever see Jessica Tandy's old movies?? She was gorgeous in the 30's and 40's!
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