Favorite Author/Books

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#1 John Saul.
#2 Dean Koontz
There are other ones that are not so weird, lol
I love Jackie Collins! Lucky series is my favorite.
I use to like VC Andrews, until she passed. I havent read any of the daughters stuff.
Holt too? Never have found anyone else that likes her.

You're not alone, Trish. I enjoy Victoria Holt. Remember Mistress of Mellyn and Bride of Pendorric? I also like to read books by Daphne du Maurier.

Other authors I read are James Patterson (especially his Maximum Ride series - awesome), Nicholas Sparks, John Grisham, John Irving, too many others to list or remember.
I forgot about those authors, lol. I think I have them all in paperbacks, hehe. Andrew Greeley is good too.
I love Alexander McCall Smith. My favorite of his series is the African one, but I like all of them. Andrew Greeley is a must-read for anyone raised in the Roman Catholic church. Good novels, but also good background.
I love the Lindsay Davis books as well. I'm pretty much a reading machine and will pick up most books. Not horror or chick lit though.

I like the No1 Ladies Detective Agency but didn't much like any of Alexander McCall Smiths other books.
My all time favorite are Arthur C. Clarke, Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Agatha Christie, Guy de Maupassant, Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay and Styajit Ray.

Tintin & Asterix
is my all time favorite.
I've got a few favorites that I read over and over ad nauseum, they are old friends that when you start reading them, it's like you are sitting on the 50 yard line just watching the story unfold. Well, anyway here goes nothing:

Anne McCaffrey:

Her DragonRiders of Pern
The Rowan Series
The Freedom Series
Ship/Brawn Series
and a few stand alones: Nimisha's Ship, and Restoree

Mercedes Lackey:

Anything about her world of Valdemar

Mercedes Lackey/James Mallory team up:

The Obsidian Trilogy
The Enduring Flame Trilogy

Jack McDevitt: Anything he's got out. It's on the same genre as Arthur C. Clarke, but he makes you think more. I think he puts more mystery into things. He's dang good!

And Last but not Least:

David and Leigh Eddings:

The Belgariad Series
The Mallorian Series

The Elenium Series
The Tamuli Series

The Redemption of Althalus

Those are my main ones I read, even though I do diverge off and read a time-travel romance or two or three as the whim takes me. And if I truly want to read some light stuff I've got all the books to Calvin & Hobbes, Opus, Fox Trot, For Better or For Worse, Baby Blues, Zits, Stone Soup, and Peanuts to read. As well as some graphic novels (all consisting of ElfQuest).
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FoodFiend, I've read a lot of those too. Love Anne McCaffrey. I think I've read most of hers.

Speaking of time travel romance, has anyone else read The Time Travellers Wife? I loved that one.
Bump. Time Travellers Wife? Audrey Niffenegger (I think) was the author. She has a picture book out too but I loved the story.

I'm still interested. This is your thread, Alix, so would it be OK if we discussed specific books that we are reading? For example, I just finished a John Irving book, "Until I Find You". I loved it, as I love most of his books. They all feel familiar to me because he always brings some common themes into each of his novels. Wrestling, absent fathers, Exeter. Still, I can never figure out why I love his characters so much because they are all so weird. (I'm sure most of you remember "The World According To Garp".) This book was especially disturbing because there was child sexual abuse in it, which he handled very well and was well researched. Anyway, anyone else read this book? What did you think?
Yep yep yep! All book/author info is greatly welcomed. I sometimes feel like I get in a reading rut and I'd love to have a handy reference for some new stuff.
Oh and I haven't read that one as I tend to avoid any reference to child sexual abuse (I work with kids who've lived it so it hits too close to the bone for me) I couldn't read Kite Runner for that very reason.

I also meant to mention Robert B Parker. He came leaping to mind when you mentioned the recurring themes of wrestling etc. RBP does boxing stuff in his.
Does anybody like Robert McCammon? His are along the super-natural line. My favorites are Swan Song, Boy's Life and Gone South. Even though I read these years ago, my son Nick just told me he is reading Swan Song right now. It's a very good book, similar in story line to Stephen King's The Last Stand. Boy's Life is probably my favorite, though.
I am reading the Twilight books. Yeah, I know, suppose to be for kids, but, they are GOOD!!lol Finished Twilight in a day and half, will start New Moon tomorrow, lol
FM, never read him but I will put him on my "look for" list. Tx.

TG, I LOVED those books. And hey...Harry Potter was supposed to be for kids too. I sometimes think the juvenile literature out there is better than the adult stuff. Tamora Pierce is juvenile too and I love her stuff too.
You will like Tamora Pierce then. Read the Protector of the Small series. Loved it.
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