Recent content by 70chevelle

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  1. 7

    Share Your Favorite Italian Sandwich/Grinder

    My 2 favorites are the muffaletta (nice looking sandwich - RCJoe) and hot Italian beef. I bake focaccia bread in a large cast iron skillet with olive oil, garlic and Italian seasons sprinkled on top. Cut it in half like a large bun and then layer hot sopresatta, hot capicola, provolone cheese...
  2. 7

    Dinner Friday 17th May 2013

    Sounds great! Tonite (in Western PA, Eastern Standard Time) I'll be making Friday dinner at the Chevelle household, which consists of pizza! I've been expanding from typical New York Style and Neopolitan to Chicago deep dish and Sicilian. We're really enjoying the Chicago with fresh (frozen...
  3. 7

    Dinner Sunday 3rd February

    Being a staunch Steeler fan, I manifested my anger, disgust and dissapointment thru cooking on Sunday. Made a big batch of french onion soup for a starter. Tried a new dish, Arancini (another thread), which is a keeper for sure. Made a big batch of marinara sauce from my garden tomatoes which...
  4. 7


    Silverage - not sure which I'm more impressed with the dish, presentation or photo's???? Fantastic! Good to know about about Boston being a hotspot for these. Brother lives in the area and I get there occasionally. Now I'll be on the hunt. The other stuffing(s) sound delicious also.
  5. 7


    Watching triple D on Saturday, my wife called me in to see this dish. Simply, it's cooked meatballs, crumbled and then mixed with rissoto and mozzerella cheese. Once mixed, they get rolled (a little bigger than a golf ball) in seasoned italian bread crumbs and deep fried. A little fresh...
  6. 7

    Getting fresh pizza onto the stone

    Many ways to skin a cat, and all (or most) will work just fine, pick the one you're comfy with. In the house oven, I use parchment. It may be $4 for 150' at Sam's, but I can cook 100+ pizza's with it. In the wood fired oven outside, I just smear a little flour on my dry wooden peel. Before I...
  7. 7

    DC's own coffee klatch

    Hey all! I normally pull a double espresso machiatto in the morning from my Gaggia Classic, but this morning I used my French Press to brew a large cup of Tanzanian Peaberry with a splash of whole milk. I've also incorporated a neat trick with my Cuisinart Drip machine. It never really...
  8. 7

    Grill pan: cast-iron vs. non-stick

    I have 4 cast iron pieces. 2 are Griswold cast iron pans. a 10" from the late 1800's and a 8" from the 1930's. They are head and shoulders above my more modern Wagner pieces. Smoother interior finish and a little lighter/thinner. (in a good way) That being said, I have no issue using my smaller...
  9. 7

    Best Dehydrator Uses

    I picked the last of my jalapenos from the garden. It came to about 12#. I smoked them on my BGE for a few hours with pecan wood and then into the deydrator for a few days. I normally grind them with other spices for chili powder and sometimes rehydrate for sauces and mexican food. The...
  10. 7

    Pampered Chef products - ISO comments/feedback

    IMHO, PC is a home business that utilizes friends and family for sales and future sales people. I won't say that it is a pyramid scheme:angel: My experience with PC. I have a good friend (I'm her son's Godfather) who's been selling for 10-15 years, so I've received a lot of gifts from PC over...
  11. 7

    Rib roast

    My goto seasoning for rib roast is heavy salt and pepper, crushed garlic and fresh Rosemary.
  12. 7

    What are your Christmas dinner plans?

    Which one??? We actually host Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinner. Christmas Day started 17 years ago, when my first daughter was born and we decided that we weren't dragging the kids around on that day. We have 15 or so from both our families. My Aunt always hosted Xmas Eve, but she passed...
  13. 7

    Outdoor woodfire pizza oven - dough problems.

    With a wood fired oven your dough should be flour, water, salt and yeast. Other adders such as oil or sugar will burn in the high heat. I use caputo 00 flour in my wfo. A wfo pizza shop will cook at between 800 and 900 degrees for 1-2 minutes, a restaurant with a wfo pizza oven, sometimes gas...
  14. 7

    Ahi Tuna from Sam's Club?

    I sear mine very quickly, leaving about 1/16" of white around the outside. My reasoning is that if there is any bad bacteria, it should be on the exposed area, which is cooked with high heat. The center is normally still room temp when I pull the tuna off the grill and slice it. I'd love to...
  15. 7

    Sunday Dinner - June 12

    Smoked a rack and a half of baby backs on the Big Green Egg, pulled a dough ball out of the freezer and made a white pizza with fresh Romas and fresh mozzarella. Also got some decent corn on the cob from Walmart. Very enjoyable dinner.
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