Recent content by dergyll

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  1. dergyll

    Quick, easy to make Mexican dessert?

    Sure! Ill put my cook hat on...hold on :chef: Ok shoot
  2. dergyll

    Quick, easy to make Mexican dessert?

    Hello guys!:chef: Anyone know a simple mexican dessert that I can make using ingredients from a grocery store? I'd prefer something special, salsa and chips is a little trite, but if it's a special salsa then sure! Open to any suggestions! Derg
  3. dergyll

    Any good recipes for Skate Wings?

    the skate wings are skinned and the cartilege has been removed (they're quite hard, wonder how some people can eat them:ermm: ). I heard that the only part that is truly edible are the wings so I "sawed" them off pretty nicely, then cut them into steak-sized pieces. I'm planning on frying them...
  4. dergyll

    Any good recipes for Skate Wings?

    Hey guys just came back from a fishing trip with some of my buddies We caught some humongo skates (4 to be exact) and since I'm the best cook out of the bunch :chef: I have to cook some skate wings. The wings are well cleaned and skined, any ideas on how I should cook'em? Thanks a bunch Derg
  5. dergyll

    What is your favorite Chinese dish?

    Classic Xi-Hong-Shi Chao Ji Dan, anybody know what that is? =) Anyway after staying for years in China this is my favorite dish (I eat it often when I was there) Derg
  6. dergyll

    Help identifying food

    The on I ate in China had (I think, tasted like it) beef in it. I'll subtitude the seafood with meat if possible. Thanks for the recipe!:chef: Derg
  7. dergyll

    Help identifying food

    Ok I think this is an Asian food but I have no idea what it's called. I remember eating it when I was in China. It's basically a long bell pepper stuffed with meat and veggies and then fryed/grilled. The stuffing inside tasted so good...:chef: Derg
  8. dergyll

    Sushi Grade?

    I have some Asian markets near my house that sells these "made-for-sushi/sashimi" fillet fish. They're usually pretty expensive and does not yield a great quantity of food...but the sushi maker there told me that those fish are like some high-"grade" fish that makes great sushi. Derg
  9. dergyll

    Supersize Me

    :smile: I usually go there like what once a few months. As a person who knows cooking:tongue: I like to cook my own food, but if I'm on the road for like 4 hours then fast food is unavoidable unless I make my own food and make a mess in my car:chef: Derg
  10. dergyll

    Question regarding shrimp

    It's also illegal here in CT to keep crabs less than 5 or 6 in. in length (I think) and during mating season and egg-diploying season where the female crabs are carrying pouches with those yellow-orange eggs. I haven't crabbed for years, there are no good crabbing spot in CT, you never get the...
  11. dergyll

    Question regarding shrimp

    Well, I bought a batchfull of those mantis shrimps, and I didn't know how to cook them so I just steamed it. (They say most seafood can be steamed!) They turn out to be quite delicious! The meat in the back reminds of lobster meat (not as expensive though!) and is pretty tender. I recommend...
  12. dergyll

    Question regarding shrimp

    How do you actually cook soft-shelled crabs? My family loves crabbing when I lived in NJ and we would occasionally scoop up these gooey-mess of a crab. Plain steaming works best for those blue crabs. I just eat the meat but my aunt eats the inside part, says they taste like the sea...:sick...
  13. dergyll

    Question regarding shrimp

    Ha! That reminds me of that dish I had in China with the pig intestines, they said it was clean and it tasted really good...:sick: I do it with the knife under water, but I'm gonna try a de-veiner. Derg
  14. dergyll

    Question regarding shrimp

    Actually I dont get fresh shrimp regularly, it's just when I get them I get ALOT of them and I'm usually the one "de-veining" them. It get's to be such as hassel that when ever I look at the huge bowl-full of shrimps I just want to puke:sick: ...But they still taste good, better than frozen ones...
  15. dergyll

    Question regarding shrimp

    Hey guys I can't help but notice the annoyance of picking the black-spine thing out of fresh shrimp everytime and it's getting annoying using knives and picking them out one by one... Anybody know a better way? I don't usually buy frozen shrimps... Thanks Derg
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