Recent content by Tony M

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  1. Tony M

    Tri Tip

    John that looks terrific! My plan was to do Tri Tip for Saturday Night's dinner. I love the way you made the sammy out of the garlic bread. Will give it a shot myself! Thanks!
  2. Tony M


  3. Tony M

    For the Record..........UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!

    Can't do McD's any more. I did like the Big Mac but now it just sits and rots in my stomach and gives me enough gas to run my truck for a week. Maybe I'm just getting older or used to the more quality stuff I've learned from this here site. McRibs should be McOutlawed in all 50 states.
  4. Tony M

    Game Day Brisket - (Finished pic's added)

    Nice job Mr. Wolfe. Never smoked a brisket w/ Cherry wood... will give it a shot.
  5. Tony M

    For JB

    :lol: [youtube:je0ttsd4][/youtube:je0ttsd4]
  6. Tony M

    Looking for tips on grilling pizza

    I second the unpolished travertine stone. Cheaper than a "Pizza Stone" in case you drop it :lol: Main thing is it must be totally dry before heating or it will crack!
  7. Tony M

    Butter Ball arrives!

    Congratulations Hillbilly! You have a very beautiful grand daughter there :) The world needs more little blondies :)
  8. Tony M

    Bacon Rocket

    I LOLed :)
  9. Tony M

    Black Betty Restoration

    Looks great!
  10. Tony M

    Where Is This Ugly Mug

    :supz: Oh God you guys are killin' me here! :lol: :lol:
  11. Tony M

    New BBQ Pitmaster Host

    WTF? :roll:
  12. Tony M

    Free Meat Charts

    Great link, thanks!
  13. Tony M

    Drug bust at MIM

    WOW! What morons!
  14. Tony M

    Stuffed Chicken Breast

    Looks awesome! Pineapple upside down cakes are way underrated! One of my favorites. Looks great.
  15. Tony M

    The Search Is On

    How do you want your steak? "Glowing" :lol: Hmm... if it's radioactive enough, you won't need any fuel to cook! It's a MicroWave UDS! How 21st century! :twisted:
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