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  1. bushy

    ISO Hamburger Patties Recipies

    OK - A topic on which I can actually contribute! First: Because E. coli et al contamination occurs on the surface of a cut, and grinding ensures that the surface gets buried deep within the pattie, NEVER let any portion of the pattie stay pink - unless you're feeling overly healthy, and are...
  2. bushy

    $1000 for a set of cookware - can this be justified?

    I like this thought! Mind if I "borrow" it on occasion? Yes, as the archetype stupid guy setting up a nest, I have bought some real winners in the cookware department - I must have gone through 3-4 "blue light special"-type of stuff. As of now I am slowly destroying a $100 set of Revere - at...
  3. bushy

    $1000 for a set of cookware - can this be justified?

    I am not addressing the matter of person choice/preference - it's your money, by all means use it as you see fit. I have a bunch of stuff that has to be considered toys (as in: The difference between men and boys is the size and price of their toys, or "he who dies with the most toys wins". My...
  4. bushy

    $1000 for a set of cookware - can this be justified?

    Thank you jennyema, for making my point clearer. Sorry that I can't remember who made that set, but I should have been clearer about why I thought it over the top: I know the difference that quality tools make - my wood and metal working tools didn't come cheaply, and many years ago I bought...
  5. bushy

    $1000 for a set of cookware - can this be justified?

    OK - at age 58, I've decided to see if I can do more and burgers, frozen dinners, and fast food. So, I'm browsing grown-up tools, and, even though I know the value of having quality tools, the idea of anyone shelling out $1K for 6-7 pots and pans (yes, I know they have real names, but I still...
  6. bushy

    Where can I find a good Wok?

    Well, since no one has told me to keep my insipid ideas to mayself (yet): I live in SF, which likes to brag about having "the largest Chinese population outside Asia", BUT: I never go to Chinatown for shopping - there and 100's of tiny storefront shops stacked to the ceiling with just enough...
  7. bushy

    Looking to purchase a Stand Mixer For Home

    Thank you all for your advice - I need all I can get! :rolleyes: And thank you Katie for the good news re pizza dough in a bread machine - I get the impression that these are another of those "it sounded like a good idea at the time..." items - I've been checking thrift stores (anybody know of...
  8. bushy

    Mixing Bowls

    Same here - what problem(s) does the flat bottom create? No promises, but I think I've seen such a critter in an Asian restaurant supply store locally - but these were being sold as woks. I think they were carbon steel - would this be acceptable? Also, as woks, they are wider and more shallow...
  9. bushy

    Looking to purchase a Stand Mixer For Home

    Again, another unsolicited opinion from a know-nothing: I'm playing with the idea of setting up to produce real pizza at home. As I have a rather vicious form of arthritis, I looked into a mixer for dough. The reviews I saw indicated that the model sold in the US as "Artisan" are adequate for...
  10. bushy

    Name Brands vs. Store Brands

    My experience (hey, somebody's got to evaluate the if-it-takes-more-than-2-minutes-to-prepare-forget-it) products: :rolleyes: Products involving fats (any kind) or sweeteners (almost any kinds) are where the brand-v-generic comes home to roost. Examples: Canned nuts - Planter's are the only...
  11. bushy

    Source for presentation tins?

    Thanks all! After doing far too many Googles, I found this: Holiday Tins - a quick glance show a max diameter of 7 7/8" dia x 3" deep at $2.95 each, w/ service charge if total order is <$100. Still better than looking 100's of Danish butter cookies in the eye as I callously discard them...
  12. bushy

    Source for presentation tins?

    In Other Words... AFAIK :smile:
  13. bushy

    Source for presentation tins?

    Hi again - Where should I look to find more-or-less disposable cookie/cake tins? I'm thinking along the lines of the tins in which cheap cookies are sold in every large grocery/drug/dime/et al stores beginning in the middle of each December - you know the ones - "Imported Danish Cookies -...
  14. bushy

    Shape of baking pan

    boufa - Thanks for the tip - the ring/bundt distinction explains why I couldn't find many rings on ebay when searching for bundts!
  15. bushy

    OK, I'm here...

    Thanks for the warm welcome! As I peruse the forums, I'm getting the idea that I may be beyond redemption... Oh well, vending machines and frozen food have gottem me this far...
  16. bushy

    Shape of baking pan

    Thanks! Aside from angel food, the only other cakes I can remember using such a shape were fruitcakes (yes, now you've met possibly the only person in the world who actually likes fruitcakes), and would like to try my hand at one - this is why the question about things which must be baked in...
  17. bushy

    Shape of baking pan

    Speaking of backing pans: What purpose does the core of a bundt/tube/angelfood pan serve, and are there any dishes which can be baked in ONLY such a pan?
  18. bushy

    Pressure Cooker - Yes or No

    As one who is thinking along exactly these lines, but knows almost zero about food prep: Could either of these schemes work, and if so, are there reasons not to: A. If the item is relatively thin, could one nuke it into submission? Microwaves cook from the inside out, and I'm concerned that an...
  19. bushy

    Pressure Cooker - Yes or No

    Being poor, I'm looking at ebay, and the smallest ones are few and far between - 4 qt and 6 qt models are all over the place. And, for those concerned that I'm likely to commit suicide by pressure cooker: Not very likely - I have great respect for tools that can harm me, and have used gear...
  20. bushy

    Pressure Cooker - Yes or No

    Then I suppose I shouldn't mention the 3000 psi in a SCUBA tank, huh... The point is that, on a relative scale, a p/c is not worth fearing. Next up: hydroforming...
  21. bushy

    OK, I'm here...

    Ummmm... I don't do dishes - I just select a victim from the grocery shelf/cooler, toss it in a skillet and crank the dial up to 11. On the plus side, I don't need to worry about getting the 160F - this method assures that I get at least that much. and yes, I am pretty good at disabling a...
  22. bushy

    Pressure Cooker - Yes or No

    Hi - This thread answers my first Q, which was "why not chicken" - I'm relieved to know that the problem is the oil, not the poultry. Next, remaining Q: As I cook for 1 person, and have no interest in canning, is there any down side to using a p/c much, much larger than is needed? I expect to...
  23. bushy

    OK, I'm here...

    I'm a 57 yr old who is just now thinking beyond 'fry it - whatever it is, and fry it hot". So, I'm looking for info, but keep getting this little "reminder" that I haven't yet posted a new thread here. Here it is. I hope the little reminder goes away. Thank you.
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