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  1. MickeyJoe

    Question on types of woods used for smoking

    I like alder, ash, oak, locust for my base fire as opposed to using charcoal as a base, or going all the way with a stronger flavored wood, and then I add the "flavoring" wood Apple Hickory Maple Cherry I don't use mesquite, although it tastes fine, it seems to make my mouth numb, almost...
  2. MickeyJoe

    Food game!

    I had Chingiale, i had to use an antibiotic ointment to get rid of it!!!! Chingiale - Endive
  3. MickeyJoe

    Need help with appetizers for teenagers

    I disagree, Top Steak at Ruth Chris? "Bacon Wrapped" Filet Mignon Top Appetizer at Commanders Palace? Oysters Racca (Top Appetizer at One of the Top Five Rated Restaurants in the World!!!) Food is for people to enjoy, if your diner's have less experienced palates it is your obligation to...
  4. MickeyJoe

    Need help with appetizers for teenagers

    What's your recommended method for the mushrooms? Type of muhroom? It sounds fabulous, I can't believe I heaven't seen them around SN : Ever try Bacon Wrapped water chestnuts? wrap and bake then make a sauce of, butter, worcestershire, mustard, (wine, sherry, or brandy opt)
  5. MickeyJoe

    Food game!

  6. MickeyJoe

    ISO help for my warped chopping board

    Do you know anyone with a planner or are there any millwright or lumber shops nearby? It could just be passed through a planner a couple times and give you a nice flat and brand new surface
  7. MickeyJoe

    Wisconsin Fish Fry - Kind Of

    Yeah, I know, "Steel" is the term some use to describe metal taste transferred to food, I've even heard canned beer be called "steel beer" or "a little steely" I shoulda put "steel" taste in quotes I don't know why the term isn't "metallic", when that's what people mean.
  8. MickeyJoe

    Omelette sticking to frying pan

    Stainless Steel Pan? Sounds like it, is it kinda slick, looks like it's wet, but dry to the touch? Thin. smooth, no particles in it. if so, it's what I'm talking about. Only issue though, like i said about the bacon and pork fat It can go rancid If i had that occur, I would continue using...
  9. MickeyJoe

    Wisconsin Fish Fry - Kind Of

    any flavor transfer from the DO? I alway thought that would be a great way to do it, but was apprehensive about the liquid getting through to some metal and picking up that steel taste.
  10. MickeyJoe

    Omelette sticking to frying pan

    It's not crazy, seasoning of cast iron is for several reasons, not just to "fill in the pores", corrosion resistance, flavor transfer (from previously cooked food and from the iron itself, did you ever have "steel eggs"? yuck), a light coating of baked on oil takes care of all of these...
  11. MickeyJoe

    Omelette sticking to frying pan

    Might sound crazy, but i seaon my ss pans like i do cast iron, rub em with veggie oil and then roast em for 30 minutes at 450 it blackens the pan just like CI draw backs pan must be all metal (no wood or plastic handle) and you have to gently handwash the pan to prserve the veggie oil coating
  12. MickeyJoe

    Terrible meals you have cooked

    We had my wife's family over for a picnic (all eleven siblings and spouses, and alot of their inlaws) I bought a pork shoulder, two whole salmon filets, and a full beef brisket, I mistakingly added "matchlight' charcoal to the all oak fire I was smoking these luscious pieces of meat with as the...
  13. MickeyJoe

    Need help with appetizers for teenagers

    Perfect Appetizers for what you are serving stew beef wrapped in bacon, drop of bbq sauce over top, grill, broil, or bake shrimp wrapped in bacon, drop of bbq sauce overtop, grill, broil, or bake chicken thumbs, wrapped in bacon, drop of bbq, etc, etc you could also do the beef in bbq...
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