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  1. T

    Growing Cucumbers and Green Beans in Containers

    i tried container gardering last year (tomatoes and cucumbers) and didnt get much from that. But my friend grows tomatoes in pots and she has dood harvest every time.
  2. T

    Alternatives to grains and rice

    I guess potato is easiest way to replace grains and rice, but try buckwheat- taste good and very healthy.
  3. T

    My first day here...

    most of the time i cook russian food (because i moved from russia few years ago). But also, i like to try new recipes from all over the world.
  4. T

    My first day here...

    Hi, to all! I am glad to be here. This site is very interesting and useful. I am new to this forum, but not to cooking...:smile:
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