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  1. froggythefrog

    Chinese Vegetables

    Does anyone here prepare Chinese vegetables? I recently went to a Chinese restaurant here in Albuquerque, and was quite excited when the owner told me about the different Chinese vegetables they have. Most of them are prepared quite simply: steamed, sauteed with garlic, or served in a light...
  2. froggythefrog

    Recipe: Traditional Yellow Vegan Potato Salad

    This is a very basic recipe for a vegan potato salad. The only ingredient that is really different than a regular potato salad is the mayonnaise. This recipe calls for an egg-free mayonnaise so that the potato salad will be animal product free. Ingredients 2 large yellow or russet...
  3. froggythefrog

    Recipe: Tofu Balls (Sweet Meatball Equivalent)

    Squishy Lumpkin from The Post Punk Kitchen: Vegetarian cooking & vegan baking with no attitude made the original recipe that I've derived this recipe from. I've added chickpea flour to this recipe in order to help the tofu balls stay together better. These balls make a good base for a vegan...
  4. froggythefrog

    Olivia's Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Just like me, my girlfriend is vegan. Though her daughter is not vegan, when she cooks up desserts like cookies, she likes to be sure her mom will be able to enjoy them right along with her. To that end, she has become quite the vegan baker. These are the daughter's chocolate chip...
  5. froggythefrog

    Easy Basic Simple Vegan Chocolate Cake

    This recipe, also widely known as "wacky cake" originates from WWII USA, when food commodities such as eggs were being used to feed the troops. The result is an eggless chocolate cake that is the fastest and easiest chocolate cake you will ever bake. A lot of people wonder why the vinegar is...
  6. froggythefrog

    Is "Pickled Garlic and Peppers" just a salad?

    At the store, I sometimes go to the olive bar and pick up a container of pickled garlic and peppers. The pickled garlic cloves have lost their intensity and are a bit sour and salty and the peppers are crisp with an equally pleasing taste and just a tad of hotness. I absolutely love this. Is...
  7. froggythefrog

    Bacon Salt [a resurrected topic]

    I apologize if bringing up topics that died half a year back is not allowed. Delete as needed. I saw the previous Bacon Salt thread was surprised how many people were disappointed with it. I like the Hickory variety. It is actually completely vegan (no actual bacon or animal ingredients...
  8. froggythefrog

    Smoked Paprika

    Last night, my girlfriend made these awesome grilled portabello mushrooms in the panini press and one of the seasonings in the portabello mushrooms was smoked paprika. I must say that if she hadn't already won my heart over, the portabellos would have done it for me. :wink: I asked her about...
  9. froggythefrog

    Recipe: Easy Basic Simple Vegan Pancakes

    This was originally posted by me on Easy Basic Simple Vegan Pancakes This recipe is suitable for a: vegetarian or vegan diet Category: Breakfast Ingredients: ----------------------------------------------------- Dry Ingredients 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour 1...
  10. froggythefrog

    Pitted Dates = A near death experience for my food processor!

    This is my food processor: Shop KitchenAid KFP715 Food Processor, 7-Cup at CHEFS. It's actually not a bad little guy and has even created some nice nut pastes bordering on being nutbutters for me. In some ways, this guy is probably the best ~$80 I ever spent. Well, tonight, I looked in the...
  11. froggythefrog

    Is a vegan foodie okay with yall?

    Going into my reasons for being vegan may not be appropriate to these forums, so I will just say that I am a person who eats a purely plant-based diet. I've always been fascinated by food, even before becoming vegan and enjoy a wide range of tastes. For me, veganism has mostly just opened up a...
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