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  1. Hammster

    Just Curious

    I grind round cuts and use it as meatballs or meatloaf.
  2. Hammster

    Friday 3/23 ... anyone cooking?

    A simple dinner tonight. Roasted chicken pieces and roasted root veggies. All to be enjoyed with some Pinot Grigio.
  3. Hammster

    Online Food Shopping - Do/don't you?

    Weekly grocery shopping is done at the market/store. I like being able to handle and pick out the cuts of meat I want and the produce I want. I don't want someone else picking either of those things out for me. Plus, I also think the delivery charge from the grocery stores is a bit much. 2...
  4. Hammster

    What's cooking this St. Patrick's Day? Sat. 3/17/12

    Corned beef and cabbage, as you can imagine. I used hard cider for the braising liquid.
  5. Hammster

    Cornish Pasties

    This is what my pasties look like. I use the ever so fancy fork crimping method. And, they are always served with ketchup. To Fiona's question, we eat ours with knife and fork, but could easily be eaten out of hand if not cut open for a pic.
  6. Hammster

    Blade Steak

    Top blade steak would be flat iron steak. Blade comes from the chuck which is the front shoulder area. Generally a tough cut of meat with lots of flavor. Best to braise or pot roast. Although, if you cut the line of gristle out of the center it also grinds nicely for ground beef dishes...
  7. Hammster

    Why do steakhouses ask me to cut my steak right away?

    And why I wouldn't order steak at Red Lobster. If you have to ask me to do the chef's job, then I don't need to eat steak at your establishment. Just last night we had steak at a fine dining place here in Idyllwild. Not a word was mentioned or a question asked about doneness of the steak. And...
  8. Hammster

    Why do steakhouses ask me to cut my steak right away?

    I have to disagree (only slightly, and mostly in jest). Mid rare is borderline overdone in my book. Blue to rare works for me. Although I wouldn't turn away a mid rare steak.
  9. Hammster

    Why do steakhouses ask me to cut my steak right away?

    I believe restaurants allow the steak to rest in the kitchen. You don't need to let it rest when it comes to your table. If the server wants you to cut into it right away, it's to check if the doneness is to your satisfaction. What this really means is they don't trust the person cooking the...
  10. Hammster

    Baking Whole Potatoes Outside the Oven

    That was what Amana called their first microwave ovens. Amana Radar Range. Great stuff. I second the nuke til nearly done and then finish in the oven method. It really cuts down on oven time. I do this all the time.
  11. Hammster

    Choosing a KitchenAid mixer... for myself...

    Thank you for clarifying your original statement which indicated that Artisan mixers don't have that feature. I'm interested in finding out which Artisan models don't have it. Do you have a link to a site that sells those or where I can get more info on those? Or maybe it is just older models...
  12. Hammster

    Choosing a KitchenAid mixer... for myself...

    This is incorrect. Just yesterday I used the meat grinder attachment on the front of my Artisan.
  13. Hammster

    Ground Beef Stinks

    This is *exactly* why I grind my own beef. So I can have my burger as rare as I want it.
  14. Hammster

    Winner, Winner, What's For Dinner?? Sunday 2/19

    I put some Rancho Gordo Cargamento Cranberry Beans along with turkey stock, water, diced red onion, bell pepper, celery, and garlic and a couple bay leaves and pepper to taste, into the crock pot to cook for a few hours. In the meantime I've made some sausage that has rosemary, nutmeg, s/p, and...
  15. Hammster

    Kitchen Timer

    Our stove has a timer as part of the clock function so I use it the most. I also have an old dial (twist) type timer, that doesn't require any batteries, that I use when steeping tea. Sometimes I use the stopwatch function on my cell phone too.
  16. Hammster

    Sausage Stuffer

    I bought the meat grinder attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer. It works very well and I not only use it for sausage but also for grinding my own beef. Too many e-coli scares in the news regarding commercially ground beef.
  17. Hammster

    Whatcha Got for the Pot, Dinner 13 Feb 2012.

    I picked up a chunk of top round in the clearance bin in the meat dept yesterday. It's a gloomy, cloudy, rainy day today so I'm thinking to chunk it up and make it with barley either into a soup, stew, or baked. Toasted pretzel rolls (store bakery bought) to go with.
  18. Hammster

    What's For Dinner Sinner? 2/12/12

    Roast chicken and plantains with an ancho chile sauce.
  19. roast chicken and plantains

    roast chicken and plantains

  20. Hammster

    Taco shells: Soft, Fried Crisp, or Store Bought?

    Oh, I forgot, we have also been enjoying the combo corn and wheat tortillas lately. Have found them at Von's (Safeway) and Trader Joe's.
  21. Hammster

    Valentine´s Dinner: At Home or Restaurant?

    At home. Picked up some NY strip steaks that when butterflied will have a heart shape. We'll have those, some roasted baby potatoes, a salad of heirloom grape tomatoes and avocado. Chocolate dipped strawberries and fancy chocolates and a nice dessert red wine for dessert.
  22. Hammster

    Would you buy Puppy Cake Cake mix for your dog???

    I used to make our DD homemade treats frequently. Always from recipes intended for dogs. Except for his birthday cake. Then he got a boxed mix spice cake. No frosting, just the cake. The kind, I don't recall the name, that you added liquid to the dry ingredients and baked right in the box the...
  23. Hammster

    Taco shells: Soft, Fried Crisp, or Store Bought?

    We also grew up in LA area. Norwalk, to be exact. I have dipped and then fried them, and it's way messy. In trying to cut down on fats so I don't fry them after dipping any more.
  24. Hammster

    Taco shells: Soft, Fried Crisp, or Store Bought?

    Grocery stores in San Diego always have soft corn tortillas so I don't even look at the hard ones. We just don't care for those cardboardy hard shells available at the grocery store. Flour tortillas get toasted directly on the grate over the gas flame. Corn tortillas get microwaved, usually...
  25. Hammster

    Taco shells: Soft, Fried Crisp, or Store Bought?

    Generally store bought. Always soft. Hard, store bought - blech. Preferences - Tacos - corn Burritos - flour
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