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  1. Member's Photos

    Member's Photos

  2. bjcotton

    Recipe management software

    I have been using MasterCook for several years. I was contemplating switching until I got a copy of MasterCook 9. I love it, I can copy recipes from websites directly into MC, I can copy from a word processor, it has shopping lists, it exports easily, I can change a recipe from one form of...
  3. bjcotton

    Dinner Sunday, Feb. 18

    Tonight is going to be fairly simple, baked pork chops, green salad and baked potatoes with a cheese sauce.
  4. bjcotton

    Some basics?? French Toast and cornbread?

    Cornbread is a much fought over concoction. Those of the Northern persuasion insist on putting sugar in it, but then it becomes Johnny [Journey] Cake. Those of the Southron persuasion generally know that for perfect cornbread you must use cast iron. The basic flavor of the cornbread can be...
  5. bjcotton

    New Zealand

    I had forgotten I had not posted my New Zealand Blog addy on this website. I am very sorry to have deserted my friends. Just so you can see what I've been doing, please drop in to the following Blog address and leave your comments if you so desire. If you haven't been to NZ, you don't know what...
  6. bjcotton


    Me too JoAnn! I can pretty much do what I want, when I want. I've posted that I'm going to New Zealand for 6 weeks. I leave on December 5th and return January 17th. Being retired I was worrying about having some $ to spend, well, I paid my truck off, there was $285, paid my life insurance...
  7. bjcotton

    Vegemite banned

    As someone once said [I think it was Cliveb], if it's an acquired taste it isn't meant to be eaten :smile: . I think I've discovered why Australians eat's from brewing beer :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Right Attie?
  8. bjcotton

    How Young are you?

    Like Andy, almost, I'll be celebrating my 20th anniversary of my 40th birthday.
  9. bjcotton

    Canned Pumpkin

    The Nov/Dec copy of Cook's Illustrated has a good article on canned pumpkin. It indicates that the Pumpkin Pie Mix are a "recipe for a soupy and overly sweet disaster." It also indicates that Libby's and One-Pie make for excellent pies. One year I made pumpkin pie from scratch and one using...
  10. bjcotton

    Kitchen Aid

    Dave are you saying Shambles is in a shambles? I was going to suggest contacting KA, they've been known to repair a 20 yo mixer and replace another that was older. Yes, I'm going to go turn mine upside down :sad:
  11. bjcotton

    Whole Roasted Pig

    You should ask cjs [Jean] she and her hubby used to do it all the time at home.
  12. bjcotton

    Dinner Friday, Sept.29

    Since my kitchen sink is out of order [take the dishwasher into the bathroom to run it :mad: ] I think I'll do something simple like a home canned tuna salad. Were supposed to have the drain pipes replaced Wednesday...obviously haven't. Have you ever tried to get your dishwasher into your...
  13. bjcotton

    Dinner Tonight Sept. 25th?

    Oooh Oooh, Michelemarie, can I have some? I keep trying to get ChefJune to come out here and make me some but she won't do it!
  14. bjcotton


    Sure enough jkath. I'll post it in the recipes section. Uh, I guess this is the recipe section huh? I made it both ways, with apple cider vinegar and with Balsamic. Both were delicious. Here it comes: * Exported from MasterCook * Pickled...
  15. bjcotton

    Canned beans or dried?

    I always use dried beans and then cook them myself. Canned just don't taste right IMO.
  16. bjcotton

    Hobo dinner

    Constance, there are some brats in this neighborhood you could grill. I'd even provide the sauce!
  17. bjcotton

    Conversion chart?

    I use with which you can change distance, weights, money, etc. You just choose from the home page what conversion you want to make.
  18. bjcotton

    I don't like you guys anymore!

    Hah! Hah I say. It's because y'all don't know how to cook a carrot cake that contains golden raisins, cranberries, walnuts, apple sauce, pineapple, etc., with Butter and Cream Cheese frosting the right way; or cheesecake either. I can make the tastiest carrot cake with frosting or Chocolate...
  19. bjcotton

    Dinner Tonight Sept. 25th?

    Shredded Boston Butt or Chicken salad sandwiches and Marionberry/Plum granita for dessert ooooooooorrrr Pomegranite Sorbet.
  20. bjcotton

    Dinner Sat. 23

    Pork and Noodle S...uh, uh, Stuff, yeah, that's it, Pork and Noodle Stuff :lol: Casserole.
  21. bjcotton


    Up until last year, I would have rather gone out in the garden and eaten worms than have beets, especially pickled beets. Then my neighbor gave us some pickled beets in exchange for some home canned tuna. Most things I dislike I try every few years...I sat there and ate a whole pint of his...
  22. bjcotton

    I want to know who does it! Fess up!

    Well, ya know if we weren't whining about this, we'd be whining about something else...right? So, what else can we run into the dirt?
  23. bjcotton

    Pets - venting

    I have an 8 yo Golden Retriever named Buddy. He is a real joy. It almost breaks my heart when I go somewhere and he can't go and he's looking at me with those big brown eyes. I always use a training collar with him because if I don't he won't mind when on leash. I seldom have to pull on the...
  24. bjcotton

    Handwritten Recipes

    I keep all of my recipes on the computer [actually 2 computers in case one dies] and I keep a paper copy. On the computer I keep three cookbooks going. One I import or type new recipes into; then when I have time I do a serious review of those and if I really want to try them they go into...
  25. bjcotton

    Kitchen Photos

    I have a fairly large kitchen, but it's on the other side of ugly :lol: . Doesn't matter though, it works. I used to have some pictures, I'll see if I can hunt them up.
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