If a stranger asked to use your cellphone how would you respond?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
I would be nervous letting a stranger make a call on my cellphone. They could be up to no good. Drug deal, threat to someone etc. What would you do?
I'd let them use my phone if their car was broke down on the side of the road. Or if they looked injured. Or a child in distress or upset, or an elderly person unable to find or get to a public phone.
I can't believe it when I see it done in movies. Yes, they are movies but still wonder how stupid people can be to even think that it might be common.
I couldn't find my phone once but knew it was close by. So I ask a total stranger to call my number. It was on the seat right beside me.
I would have no problem letting someone use my phone. I mean what's the big deal other than covid?
I couldn't find my phone once but knew it was close by. So I ask a total stranger to call my number. It was on the seat right beside me.
I would have no problem letting someone use my phone. I mean what's the big deal other than covid?
Taking off with it. I've got a tremendous amount of our life on my phone since Craig isn't really capable of keeping up with life stuff anymore.
I can't believe it when I see it done in movies. Yes, they are movies but still wonder how stupid people can be to even think that it might be common.
What might be common? Asking to use someone's phone? Or lending out your phone to make a call?
People use their phones for different things. Some people use their phones for phone calls alone. Others use them for bank accounts, purchasing things, all kinds of finances and as a phone. Those decisions would affect whether you'd lend out your phone or not.
I couldn't find my phone once but knew it was close by. So I ask a total stranger to call my number. It was on the seat right beside me.
I would have no problem letting someone use my phone. I mean what's the big deal other than covid?

That's just one of many reasons I wouldn't do it.
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