Is cutting board consider utensil or a gadget?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Somebody suggested to make a cutting board to me. An interesting idea, but what kind of glue would you use to glue the wooden boards together? I don’t think it is food safe to use regular carpenters glue, is it? Are there special glues for such thing?
I'd go with utensil not gadget.

I think that carpenters glue is what was used to make mine. The important thing is to use the right oil on it after it is made to seal it and keep out the germs. Linseed oil rings a bell, but I can't remember exactly what was used on mine.

Sorry I am not more specific Charlie, I hope someone else knows something more than me.
Thank you kitchenelf, my concern would be food safety. Do you know if it’s okay to use it?
utensil, it's a tool. a gadget would have "machine" elements such as a turn crank or lever or...:cool:
Thank you kitcheelf again. I checked out that site, interesting info, however I was still concern about food safety and kept researching. I called the manufacturer of that glue. It is not food safe and is NOT recommended for cutting board at all. I did, however found FDA approved glue
Like I said, I should have been looking on Internet. I think it is very irresponsible on DIY network to supply misinformation. Luckily, the moderator on their own forum pointed me to the right direction.

Thank you again.
WOW CharlieD - I'm glad you checked into it - why would they tell you how to build a cutting board with glue that's not food safe????????? Yes, VERY irresponsible - glad you got to the end result though - hey, we'll just work together!!!!

I have pondered this question a few times since it was asked - I still stay accessory and DEFINITELY not a gadget.
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I have to vote for a third option, Necessary Tool, not gadget or accessory.

I've been following this thread with interest, as I would like to make my own cutting board, once I have the tools, as my old flat-grain board isn't going to last much longer, even though I baby the thing.
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