Natn'l Vanilla Milkshake Day~6/20/2019~What's For Dinner

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I LOVE Vanilla Ice Cream, therefore I really like Vanilla Shakes.
HEH! I've a tub in the deep freeze :whistling

… but let's talk about What's For Dinner first :LOL:

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Poor Husband (I'm still calling him this) asked for this again,
grown-up kids meal ;)

I'll crisp-up some sliced Hot Dogs and serve it with
Mac`N Cheese and Peas&Carrots

Oh and a Vanilla Milkshake for dessert :clap:

What's for dinner at your place?
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I breaded only three of the six pork chops in the package, so I'll pan fry the last of them with shallots and apples (and Calvados brandy) tonight. We have potatoes from Sunday, along with plenty of roasted carrots, but I might steam up some broccoli just for the color. Probably passing on salads so that we'll have room for strawberries later tonight - with vanilla ice cream. IMO it's best used over fruit or dessert. I'd rather have a hot fudge milk shake. :yum:
Probably leftovers. I've felt under the weather all day and ate only a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal. Things seem to be looking up so I may eat the leftovers from yesterday's lunch-lobster mac and cheese.
We still have leftovers. Last night we ordered takeout from the Middle Eastern place downtown and have some left, and we have smoked pork shoulder and homemade burger buns from Sunday, as well as assorted bits and pieces. I'll just put together a couple plates till there's enough.
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I'm getting things packed for a trip to Port Arthur for a 40-year HS reunion party. So, it is just grazing tonight.

Asparagus, broccoli and beet greens. Mac and no-cheeze sauce with hot sauce.
No vanilla milkshake here, but I did make a smoothie, with banana, pineapple, and coconut - one of my favorites.

I dug out over 3 lbs of grilled tomatillos from the freezer this morning, to use them up before I start harvesting again (there's still a bunch more!). I made 3 different types of salsas with it - the kind where the purée is "fried", and cooked down stirring, to concentrate the flavors. One is a green peanut sauce, which reminds me of a Thai flavor, with the sour tomatillos, in place of tamarind, plus the peanuts and chiles. The other, tomatillo salsa with roasted garlic and chipotles, though the original recipe called for moras, which I used, along with moritas. The last was a simple tomatillo salsa, with serrano peppers (I used superchilis, in place), and combined this with some shredded chicken and greens, to make soft tacos in corn tortillas, with a little crumbled queso fresco. The other two salsas went back into the freezer, but at least I made some room!
i love vanilla ice cream, therefore i really like vanilla shakes.
Heh! I've a tub in the deep freeze :whistling

… but let's talk about what's for dinner first :LOL:

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poor husband (i'm still calling him this) asked for this again,
grown-up kids meal ;)

I'll crisp-up some sliced hot dogs and serve it with
mac`n cheese and peas&carrots

oh and a vanilla milkshake for dessert :clap:

What's for dinner at your place?

It's been raining every day for about a week now.

Made homemade chicken soup (using the bones and skin from rotisserie chicken and a b/s chicken breast) served over brown rice and topped with Parmesan Reggiano & Pecorino Romano cheeses.


DD went to Ikea and picked up a bamboo cutting board and pitcher.

When DD gives you a pitcher ... you make lemonade.

We had a really good breakfast out with friends so dinner wasn't a priority for us..

Grazed on salami, cheese and crackers early afternoon..

I made a strawberry pie so that became our dinner.. :yum:

I guess I remember now why I haven't made a pot roast in years.

The recipe was tasty alright, but I really really really don't like beef that has to be cooked long enough to make it edible. I'll stick to my juicy rare and tender steaks till I forget again why I don't cook pot roasts.
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