Shows for charity. Give me a break.

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Was really upset tonight. Was in the kitchen, TV in livingroom was on. Between shows on the Food Network. When I heard...

Chef team going up against a professional special effects team, winner gets $5,000 to donate to their favourite charity.....

WHA??? both their productions are probably costing waaay over $10,000 each in materials and labour just to produce AND televise. Not to mention bonus' from the airing of the program.

So the charities would probably benefit far more if they both just donated $10,000 EACH to their favourite charity.

yup, and I guess the televiseion producers could also donate an extra $10,000 themselves too.

Don't you think a charity would love $30,000 instead of a measly $5,000?
It's true, I also stopped watching the cooking shows awhile back. That being said, I watch some, certainly not all, of the halloween ones as I like to see the different ideas

But my favourites are the gingerbread houses and christmas cookies. I tape them and skip to the parts that show the actual construction and finishing work which is really all I'm interested in.
It's true, I also stopped watching the cooking shows awhile back. That being said, I watch some, certainly not all, of the halloween ones as I like to see the different ideas

But my favourites are the gingerbread houses and christmas cookies. I tape them and skip to the parts that show the actual construction and finishing work which is really all I'm interested in.

I love watching them put it together, but I could never recreate it. Anything I actually try to construct looks like a "Nailed It" fail. :)
My Mother and I participated in a "for charity"
Gingerbread House building competition many, MANY
moons ago; it was a blast!
We paid our own money towards the charity of
our choice and they provided the "materials"
to build the house.
We lost sourly, but it was a lot of fun.
Kgirl! what a great idea!

How about,

everyone provides their own materials and pays a fee to enter. Haven't figured out what the winner should win but entry fees could go to a charity - so aside from bragging rights - charity of winner choice?

and all the houses could go to various children's wards at hospitals?
Angelina Jolie once said she did a lot of charity parties.

She would spend 250,000 dollars for food, entertainment, etc.

Then all her Hollywood buds would show up for the party.

She would end up getting like 25,000 dollars in donations.

She said she eventually just stopped and gave the charities the 250,000. It was less stress that way.
I live in NYC and I often see bike ride, walks, etc for charity. I always wonder if the charities would just prefer the donations but apparently it raises awareness and very often people DO bring in big donations.
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