Trivia 3/26

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 3/26
The Amazon Rain Forest produces half the world's oxygen.

1. How many countries on the South American Continent are landlocked ?
(Bonus: Name them)
2. What types of birds did Noah send out from the Ark to search for land ?
3. In terms of lunar exploration, what does LEM stand for ?
4. Definition (M);
n.~ 1. A collection of live wild animals. 2. The enclosure in which wild animals are kept.
5. Which cartoon superhero had a feline nemesis named Oil Can Harry ?
6. Who Said That ? Comedian)
"I'm so old that when I was a kid, the dead sea was only sick !"
7. What's the name of the family dog in the Hi & Lois comic strip ?
8. What was the name of Russell Crowes character in the film, Gladiator ?
Every bone in the human body is connected or joined to at least one other.
1. Two (Paraguay and Bolivia)
2. A Raven and a Dove
3. Lunar excursion Module
4. Menagerie
5. Mighty Mouse
6. George Burns
7. Dawg
8. Maximus
The hyoid bone is a very special bone in the human skull which is unique in that it is not attached to any other bones in the body; rather, it is supported by a network of muscles and ligaments, which trap it like a fly in amber directly below the tongue.
The primary role of the hyoid bone is to support the weight of the tongue, allowing people to articulate words while speaking, and enabling the production of a wide range of vocalizations.
Without the hyoid bone, humans would be incapable of speech as we know it, so this bone represents a major step in human evolution.

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