Trivia 5/10

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 5/10
In the average adult, the skin covers 12-20 square feet and accounts for 12% of body weight.

1. Definition; ( “E” – 8 letters )
v.~ To increase, enlarge or intensify;
int.~ To increase in intensity or extent.
(Hint; E ______E
2. While visiting a Trenton classroom in 1992, what word did V.P. Dan Quayle insist was
misspelled by 12-year-old William Figueroa ?
3. In which Disney cartoon is the title character's love interest named Esmeralda ?
4. What ominous signature first appeared at the bottom of the "Dear Boss" letter mailed
to the Central News Agency of London on 9/25/1888 ?
5. What Jim Carrey movie featured the screen debut of Cheri Oteri ?
a. – Once Bitten
b. – Liar, Liar
c. – Ace Ventura, Pet Detective
d. – Dumb and Dumber
6. What song connects Bill Withers (1972) and Club Nouveau (1989) ?
7. What Amish country village in Pennsylvania, where Witness was filmed, is a frequent
victim of street-sign theft ?
8. How many astronauts have walked on the moon ?
"Man of a Thousand Voices" Mel Blanc's tombstone reads "That's All, Folks!".
1. Escalate
2. Potato
3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame
4. Jack the Ripper
5. – b
6. Lean On Me
7. Intercourse, Pa.
8. Twelve
Mel Blanc spoke for everyone from Bugs Bunny to Barney Rubble. But it was Porky
Pig's signature sign-off that Blanc adopted as his own final goodbye.

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