Trivia 7/6

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 7/6
DYK takes you back to that period known as the Carboniferous period (about 350 million years ago); lush , lush greenery, swamps, dense vegetation covered huge areas-All those plants became fossilized with time, leading to the formation of crude oil, oil shale and coal.......
FACTOID: It took NINETY-EIGHT TONS of that raw material to turn into enough crude oil to refine out ONE GALLON of gasoline !

1. What 1982 successor to the VIC-20 is still the best-selling computer model of all time ? (as of year end 2008)
2. What Beatles song is set "somewhere in the black mountain hills of Dakota" ?
3. What popular film was released in France under a title that translates to "Mom, I miss Your Plane" ?
4. What famous Country singer grew up in "Butcher Hollow, Kentucky ?
5. In what sport am I competing if I'm using an "Epee'" ?
6. Which actress has her own fashion line, "Sweetface" ?
7. Who composed the music for West Side Story ?
8. Really Tough Question Dept;
In 1985, who teamed up with Hulk Hogan to win the first Wrestlemania main event ;
a.- Jesse Ventura
b.- Mr. T
c.- Lou Ferrigno
d.- Dolph Lundgren
President U.S. Grant was once arrested while in Office.

1. Commodore 64
2. Rocky Raccoon
3. Home Alone
4. Loretta Lynn
5. Fencing
6. Jennifer Lopez
7. Leonard Bernstein
8. - b.- Mr. T
He was arrested and convicted in a Washington, D.C. court for exceeding the speed limit while driving a horse and buggy. He paid a fine of $20.

BTW- President Franklin Pierce was arrested while in office for running over an old woman with his horse, but the case was dropped for lack of evidence.

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