Violet's Snow Day

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
We have two Dogs, Violet and Joie. Joie hates the snow and it is difficult to get him outside. Violet loves the stuff and I have had a hard time keeping her INSIDE.

Here is a glimps at her fun! I couldn't get shots of her running through it as she was too fast for the camera!


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How cute!!!! Now does she get to share a cup of hot chocolate with mommy?
By the way, that is snow on her nose in the last one taken in the house! No hot chocolate for her, but she did get a treat. Wish I could have captured her figure eights in our tiny back yard!
Great looking dog!
My GSD would live outside in the snow if I let her. Some dogs really do love the stuff.
awww so cute!
My daughter loved your pics! "Doggy!!"
Man you guys really are getting some snow...glad its not us! I do love watching it, just hate driving in it!
Our Justindigger, Irish Setter/Golden Retriever mix, loved snow. He would run, leap, jump, you name it. If he could've made snow angels, I sure he would have.

Thanks for the pictures, Laurie. I miss our big old J.D.
Great looking dog!
My GSD would live outside in the snow if I let her. Some dogs really do love the stuff.

Thanks for the compliment, Pacanis, she knows she is good looking and uses it to her advantage! She is a 4 year old border collie/samoid/boxer.

I wish I could find the video of her destroying a 3 foot snowball in about 15 minutes nonstop with her front paws at 6 months old! She was so tired when she finished she just flopped and didn't even eat her dinner!
Thanks for the compliment, Pacanis, she knows she is good looking and uses it to her advantage! She is a 4 year old border collie/samoid/boxer.

I wish I could find the video of her destroying a 3 foot snowball in about 15 minutes nonstop with her front paws at 6 months old! She was so tired when she finished she just flopped and didn't even eat her dinner!

You know you live in the Great White North when you can refer to a 3 ft mound of snow as a snowball..... :huh:

You know you live in the Great White North when you can refer to a 3 ft mound of snow as a snowball..... :huh:



Our Beagle loves the snow, but the little one is not taking to it too well, LOL. Gonna have to get her a sweater and maybe even some footies for the winter.
How funny Laurie!!! That is a hoot and she is such a pretty dog!!! I put Binks out in the snow one time, he disappeared. Guess the little guy was too short! LOL Thanks for sharing the pics!!

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