What's for dinner? Friday 9-29-17

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Cheryl J

Chef Extraordinaire
Jun 4, 2012
I'm thinking it's a huevos rancheros kind of afternoon, so will be having that. Hopefully sliced avocado on the side, unless my avocado went south.

What's on your plate? :chef:
We had white gazpacho with green grapes, English cukes, almonds and various other ingredients. Garnishes were vanilla bean grapeseed oil, with skewers of nearly frozen grapes and pickled shrimp.


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I was abruptly woken from a nap by the telephone, and then I went, I'm ready, I'll be ready in 10 minutes. Only to find it's not Saturday morning. Well, it's all good, I did need to wake up anyway.

Nothing thawed, nothing planned for dinner. I think it's pizza delivery tonight.
I'm thinking it's a huevos rancheros kind of afternoon, so will be having that. Hopefully sliced avocado on the side, unless my avocado went south....

Unfortunately I had to throw out the avocado, but the huevos rancheros was delish. I think I'll make another one tomorrow morning for breakfast since there are fixin's left over. Using a file pic from a few months back - I was so hungry I dove right in before thinking about a new pic. :ermm::LOL:


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[file photo from my photo album]

Shoyu Chicken, steamed White Rice and steamed Baby Bok Choy.
It's kind of a cheat meal, since we just got back from
Southern AZ, I had the chicken made already and set it in the
`fridge before we left so that all I had to do tonight
was make a fresh pot of rice and quick like steam the veg.

Cheryl, isn't that just the way, you have an avo sitting on the counter,
you get yourself all set to use it in a dish, and BAM!
We had breakfast for dinner. I made myself an omelet with cheese, crimini mushrooms and shallots. SO had scrambled eggs and we both had bacon.
I scored big-time at the Manager's Special section of the meat department at Kroger. Two big Flat Iron Steaks. They used to be cheap -- poor man's tenderloin -- until they got popular, and now they cost as much as tenderloin, so this Manager's Special was sweet.

I cooked half of one, London Broil style. Sous vide and seared nice and rare. I sautéed some onions and baby mushrooms to go with the meat.




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[file photo from my photo album]

Shoyu Chicken, steamed White Rice and steamed Baby Bok Choy.
It's kind of a cheat meal, since we just got back from
Southern AZ, I had the chicken made already and set it in the
`fridge before we left so that all I had to do tonight
was make a fresh pot of rice and quick like steam the veg.

Cheryl, isn't that just the way, you have an avo sitting on the counter,
you get yourself all set to use it in a dish, and BAM!

YES! :LOL: There's only about a 10 minute time frame between a perfectly sliceable avocado, and guacamole. :D

Good looking dinner!
I scored big-time at the Manager's Special section of the meat department at Kroger. Two big Flat Iron Steaks. They used to be cheap -- poor man's tenderloin -- until they got popular, and now they cost as much as tenderloin, so this Manager's Special was sweet.

I cooked half of one, London Broil style. Sous vide and seared nice and rare. I sautéed some onions and baby mushrooms to go with the meat.



Looks delish, Casey. :yum: I hear ya on the up-pricing. Same with chicken wings....they used to the cheapest part of the bird.
Cheryl, in that case just make Buffalo drumsticks and pretend that the chicken worked out at the gym and took 'roids. :mrgreen:

Himself was out doing his star party thing down at the farm corn maze, so I knew he'd be coming home chilled to the bone. I made a pot of ham-and-beans-and-collard greens; we sopped up the pot likker with sourdough bread. He was nice and warm after eating - it might have had something to do with his Bourbon appetizer, though. :LOL:


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And five minutes later, it's brown mush :sick: I love avocados but they're a real pain to buy and use.

I use a lot of avocados, when they aren't ridiculously over priced.. Not certain why but I seem to be able to pick them pretty well.. Seldom lose one unless I forget to use it..

When Aldi has avocados for 50 cents each, I'll buy at least six, then start to move them into the refrigerator fruit drawer as they get almost-ripe. I've been able to use them a week or so later...or toss them much later, inevitably because I forgot they were in there.
They've been close to $2 each here lately. :huh: I bought a couple more the other day and will be sure to keep a closer eye on them. Refrigerating them works well for me, too...up to a point. :wacko::LOL: It was my own fault for failing to check on the poor babies....

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