Recent content by 2001Heel

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  1. 2001Heel

    themometer ?

    ET-732, and love it.
  2. 2001Heel

    Aji Amarillo Jumbo Chicken Wings

    Wow...that's all I'll say because that's all that needs to be said. They look great!
  3. 2001Heel

    Birthday Bash Big Success

    Were the rubber gloves used to handle hot meat or prevent fingerprints in case you didn't like the comment(s)??? With rubber hot gloves on one hand and a meat cleaver in the other . . . I'm ready to respond to the guest comments. :lol:
  4. 2001Heel

    Thermometer For Weber 22.5 OTG

    Thanks for the info, I'll have to check this place out.
  5. 2001Heel

    Thermometer For Weber 22.5 OTG

    Ok, so this probably isn't the right thread but there really doesn't seem to be an appropriate spot and, quite frankly, I don't think any of you will care where I ask the question. I recently picked up a slightly used 22.5 Weber OTG from someone who didn't use it. I want to add a thermometer...
  6. 2001Heel

    Favorite BBQ sauce recipe?

    Is Reverend Marvin's available nationally in grocery stores, regionally, or simply online?
  7. 2001Heel

    Beef ribas

    Nice looking ribs ya got there... Gonna have to try that pretty soon. I have a brother in law that is allergic to pork so this might be the ticket for him.
  8. 2001Heel

    Need Advice - WSM

    I like your thinking, but I'm pretty sure I'm going with the 22. I see you are located in Charlotte...are you in a competition somewhere in this area? I'm in Kannapolis so it might be something worth checking out.
  9. 2001Heel

    Need Advice - WSM

    Thanks for the feedback so far. At this point I'm leaning towards the 22.5 just for the ease of cooking ribs...we'll see if I can get that past Mrs. Heel...
  10. 2001Heel

    Need Advice - WSM

    First off, this is my first post to the site although I have been reading for a good while now. You all offer a lot of great advice on this site and it keeps me coming back. I've been smoking for about a year or so and it progressively moving from a hobby into a downright addiction, which is...
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