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  1. M

    Decosonic convection roaster

    I have found a Like to the instructions
  2. M

    What To cook With a Deco Sonic Convection Roaster?

    Thats the First post i found on this site, While i was using google, But i have found the instructions so yea but like that is not alot to help me here as i would like to cook frosen chicken and I would like to know do i have to defrost it
  3. M

    What To cook With a Deco Sonic Convection Roaster?

    Well I got one of thes roasters, Know what do I cook with it, Can I cook Frosen Chicken breast? Like there are frozen at the moment I am looking to learn about this device, I found a PDF with the instrutions while surfing the web, Do you think this is a good thing also? thanks
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