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  1. S

    Anyone know beans about beans?

    Hey Thanks Everyone Thanks everyone for the wealth of info, I truly appreciate it. Cooking them with another gallon of H20 did the trick, and now they're good. In the future, I'll boil them alone first; but I sincerely appreciate all the time that you folks put into your posts. :smile...
  2. S

    Anyone know beans about beans?

    Yeah, that might be a good idea corazon, but my small apartment kitchen is already crammed with gizmos and gadgets. If I could find a small one maybe... But I really don't mind long cooking times, especially on the weekends. Thanks, slocooker
  3. S

    Anyone know beans about beans?

    Thanks, Shannon. This recipe for some reason calls for adding all of the sauce ingredients (minus salt & pepper but including ketchup and other ingredients that have acids) at the beginning of the boil, after soaking, so I suspect that it just needs to be modified to do this after the beans are...
  4. S

    Anyone know beans about beans?

    Thanks Andy, our posts must have crossed.
  5. S

    Anyone know beans about beans?

    Well I think I have found an answer. As beans cook, the starches in them absorb water. The heat and water break down cell structure, causing pectin, or the glue that holds cells together, to become soft and dissolve. That's what makes beans tender. Acid (like tomatoes), salt, and calcium...
  6. S

    Anyone know beans about beans?

    Hello all I have a problem cooking dried beans. I'm a very patient cook, I soak them overnight as the package suggests, and I follow recipes carefully, but 95% of the time they come out tough, and even on the verge of crunchy! For instance, I have a batch of baked beans that I'm hoping to...
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