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  1. L

    Help - Lactose Intolerence

    There are varying degrees of lacotose intolerance too. I am and I can eat cultured products like buttermilk, cottage cheese, yogurts and some cheeses. I cannot however eat things like alfredo sauce - instant belly ache. I think it is the high fat content with the heavy milk. I have simply...
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    My cat is going insane!

    Yeah - it is quite amazing to watch. We put a bird feeder on the window. It uses suction cups to hold it there. Birds land and eat frequently during the day. I have two cats - a mature older one and a kitten. Yesterday, birds were feeding. The mature cat jumped up from a nap and started...
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    Crustless Quiche

    I have a version that has no crust top or bottom. Blend 4-8 eggs (depending on how many you are feeding) Spray a pan with non-stick spray. Pour blended eggs into pan. Add whatever veggies or meats you desire. Top with fresh sliced tomatos. Cook 35 min @ 350. If desired, add thinly sliced...
  4. L

    Calories - What is Right?

    Another reason might be the method of cooking. Air popping adds no additional calories but cooking it in oil does.
  5. L


    Lots of fresh frutis & veggies and whole (unprocessed) grains. Each meal should have a veggie/fruit and a protein source. Increasing your activity will also help in reducing your chance of becoming diabetic. Daily exercise will help burn excess calories.
  6. L

    South Beach diet suggestions?

    My own version of pudding: low-fat cottage cheese, plain yogurt, sugar-free chocolate powder. Blend in blender until smooth. It is like a chocolate shake. It contains good amounts of protein, low in sugar and fat.
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    All veggies and whole grains are complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are usually fruit juices, sugars and syrups. What makes white flour (or rice, or pasta, etc.) so bad is all of the fiber and good nutrients are removed during processing, then some of the vitamins are added back in...
  8. L

    Diet question about avocados

    Those are great calories - mostly good fats. Your body needs good fats to provide essential fatty acids that your body cannot manufacture. Fat is also required for maintenance of healthy skin, regulation of cholesterol metabolism and other body functions. Dietary fat is needed to carry...
  9. L

    Worried about my eating habits

    I agree with this 110%. As you age you lose muscle mass if there is no form of strength conditioning a.k.a. weight lifting exercise. The muscle may not show a drop in scale weight but you will feel it in how you look in the mirror and how your clothes fit. It will take approximately 8 weeks...
  10. L

    Healthy shopping list

    This is what my grocery list looks like. I bake my own whole wheat bread. And the complex carbs are consumed early in the day only. PROTEINS Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast Tuna (water packed) Fish (salmon, seabass, halibut) Shrimp Extra Lean Ground Beef or Ground Round (92-96%)...
  11. L

    How can I get DH to eat better?

    I agree with this! If he is seriously tired after work. Get up 1 hour earlier and workout before work. Your body's metabolism will stay high for hours afterward. He will burn calories all day (even sitting at that desk).
  12. L

    How can I get DH to eat better?

    This is a big one to realize. How long did it take to get him in the state he is now? Probably many years. So don't expect the reversal to happen sooner than it was created. Many years of consistant eating and exercise will get him there.
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    White rice is bleached and the fiber is removed. Note that you will have to cook the brown rice longer and use a bit more water. About 2-1/3 cups water to 1 cup rice. Mine takes about 45 minutes in a rice cooker.
  14. L

    Is whole-grain bread healthier for diabetics?

    That is exaxtly the reason. This will subside the more you eat it. The same goes for beans, the more you eat of them, the less they "upset" the system. Daily recommendation for fiber is 30grams+ per day. Start tracking it you will be surprised how little most people actually consume.
  15. L


    The role of insulin in the body The main job of insulin is to keep the amount of sugar in the bloodstream within a normal range. Here's what happens during digestion: - After eating a snack or a meal, sugar and other nutrients enter the bloodstream as the body digests food. - Carbohydrates...
  16. L

    Is vodka fattening?

    Yes, your body will process the alcohol first leaving the food to be stored as fat. The other negative side effect of drinking is it slows down your metabolism. This can lead to additional fat gain. It also dehydrates your body. If you are fitness minded dehydrating your muscles is bad for...
  17. L

    Mysteriously overweight girl...any suggestions?

    Another thing to consider is she may be eating too few calories. Once the body thinks it is starving it will store almost every calorie intaken. This happens when the caloric intake is set too low for too long. The body will slow the metabolism to prevent any more starvation. I suggest...
  18. L

    Calories in juice

    The bad thing about juice is that all the good natural fiber is removed. You are much better off eating the whole fruit instead. Be careful. Juice bars usually add lots of sugars to those smoothies.
  19. L


    She can substitute any sugars in cooking with splenda. Her real issue is she needs to control her intake (not just sweets). I suggest she switch to 6 smaller meals per day, 2-3 hours apart and take 30 min or more walks daily. Her intake should be reduced to have a caloric intake defecit...
  20. L

    Healthiest Oil?

    It depends on what you are making and the flavor you want. If baking, I use canola oil, if veggies or meat I use olive oil.
  21. L

    Tried to make root beer, what went wrong?

    We made root beer all the time growing up. We did not use yeast to ferment it. We used dry ice instead. It was funner that way. We used root beer extract for flavoring.
  22. L

    Corn Syrup vs High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Eating ANYTHING in excess of what you burn will be converted to fat and stored. Well there are studies out there but I don't have time to research them right now. Here are a couple of quick references. Source:
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    Corn Syrup vs High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Yes, all carbohydrates are converted to glucose. Yes, insulin is released to control or bring down the blood sugar levels. But it has been proven that repeated high insulin spikes can lead to insulin resistance. There are several other factors that contribute to it; genetics and family...
  24. L

    Corn Syrup vs High Fructose Corn Syrup

    There is no misconception here. Maybe it might have sounded that way. What is really the problem is foods containing HFCS are usually highly processed and cause your insulin to spike. Repeately spiking insulin over years CAN [note I say can, not will] lead to Type II diabetes, it also depends...
  25. L

    Corn Syrup vs High Fructose Corn Syrup

    HFCS is a super concentrated form of corn syrup. It will spike your insulin levels. Repeated spiking of you insulin CAN lead to Type II diabetes. I avoid all packages that contain either. If you had to rate one better than the other I would say regular corn syrup is less damaging than HFCS...
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