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  1. P

    Question about wood

    My farm's in Georgia and I have 300 acres of pecan trees. That's the only wood I would be selling. I found that I could ship a half a cubic foot anywhere in the US,for 16 dollars (that's the shipping cost) I think I could charge 9$ for the wood to start with. It would be barkless and the weight...
  2. P

    Question about wood

    Thanks guys, I' ve checked these out..just seems like the shipping kills ya. At those prices I have a ton of pecan wood that i cut in january that I'd be willing to sell. I'll check into shipping, I could sell it for a whole lot cheaper than those people are. If anybodys interested let me know.
  3. P

    Question about wood

    You may have noticed my username is pecan1 ...that's because I'm a pecan farmer. I've been reading a good number of post from the past and have noticed that the different types of wood that are best for smoking are not always available to everyone due to location. Does anyone know of a good...
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