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  1. mandoman

    Juicer questions

    I found a great use for my champion juicer,..I peel, and freeze banannas(preferably ripe, doesn't hurt to be a little over ripe) run them through the juicer without the strainer mesh in place for a great substitute for softserve ice cream! Hate to give up icecream, but this helps.:wink:
  2. mandoman

    White queso cheese

    :cool: This is a recipe for a queso cheese suitable for dip, topping for chicken enchaladas, chicken nachos, and many texmex faforites. The origional recipe was for a restaurant, so I had to scale down for home. Please let me know if it works for you. 1/4 can chicken broth 3 tblspn...
  3. mandoman

    Tamales Made In Panama

    A great tamalie should be a little tough!! The proof is in the flavor anyway.:cool:
  4. mandoman

    Enchilada Challenge

    Sorry, I kind of take for granted the availability of good supplies for texmex cooking. I think the only difference in the mix and reg corn meal is the grind. The mix is ground extreemly fine like flour, otherwise there should be no need for extra additives or ingredients. As far as the chips...
  5. mandoman

    Enchilada Challenge

    They make great enchaladas also. Helps to get a cheap tortilla press also. Experiment a little,...the gain is worth it!!!!:cool:
  6. mandoman

    Why can't it be duplicated

    Great reply! That is probably entirely true, and I have to agree. That does not mean you can't reproduce some winning recipes though. Ask specific questions on a forum like this and take the advise to heart. Experiment with these recipes, and at the very least, your cooking will most...
  7. mandoman

    Chicken Nachos

    What a lifesaver!!!! This is one of the best spice combos I've ever tried!! I highly recommend it! I have used it in most of the mexican dishes I prepare, and it has worked beautifully everytime.....Sir you are a gentleman and a scholor!! My hat is off to you. Thank you also for all of the...
  8. mandoman

    Best Cheese for Nachos?

    Great response!! I'm certainly glad I took time to meet you great folks!! This has been a very inspiring quest. I've learned a lot and enjoyed some great suggestions from some very talented people. I tried some combos, and had great success. I'm looking forward to my next project. Thanks...
  9. mandoman

    Enchilada Challenge

    corn tortillas I tried these homemade tortillas, and fresh really is better!! Try making chips from your homemade tortillas!!! Super nachos!
  10. mandoman

    Best Cheese for Nachos?

    My vote is for monterey jack and mild chedder. I lean toward a white quesso base for most texmex, with a little shredded chedder melted on top.
  11. mandoman

    Chicken Nachos

    I know this is old hat to some, but,....I have had chicken nachos that use a chicken meat base, cooked with onion, bell peppers, garlic, in a white queso sauce. Now for the question. What possible spices/seasonings would be used? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  12. mandoman

    Queso question

    Thank you so very much for your help and input. Really makes my day!
  13. mandoman

    Queso question

    When making queso as in cheese dip, how do you reduce montery jack down to a dip consistency, or a little thinner? Is there another cheese that works better? Also does anyone have a good recipe for chicken nachos? Thanks in advance for your help. Mando
  14. mandoman

    Glad to be here!

    Hi everyone! Hope to enjoy sharing some great recipes, and learning from some of you great cooks. Thanks.
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