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  1. H

    iron skillets

    Hi - this will save you some time. Check out this very recent thread in the "cookware" forum.: Hope that helped a bit Oh, and yes, the "rust look" is definitely not what you're going for.
  2. H

    Cast Iron Seasoning issues, please help

    I'd agree with the previous two posts; don't give up on it just yet - cook with it as much as possible and see if the appearance improves. I'm thinking it will. I've used the self-cleaning oven approach and the spray-on oven cleaner method to strip cast iron, and while both work well it takes a...
  3. H

    Inexpensive Knives

    Hi Cindy - several others have mentioned it, but how the knife fits in your hand is the most important thing. I read that you have small hands - the Victorinox / Forschners and Dexter Russells' handles might be too large for you. You'll have to try them out and see for yourself. I have very...
  4. H

    Cast Iron Use and Care

    Re: acid / alkaline foods: Here's the U.S. FDA site on the topic: I took a quick look and saw very few foods with a pH above 7. I had always assumed that almost every food was at least somewhat acidic - and that those foods with a pH below 4.6...
  5. H

    The biggest pumpkin!

    It looks as though it's the Festival's 100th anniversary - and it's happening next week! I have a real fondness for these local foodfests. I'm thinking of spending some of my retirement time - which can't get here soon enough - traveling around the U.S. seeing as...
  6. H

    Cast Iron Use and Care

    Something I haven't seen mentioned is the technique of using kosher salt and a bit of oil to clean your cast iron. It's an abrasive of sorts, and does a great job of sopping up / scraping off whatever bits o' stuff are stuck to the cast iron. The only time I will use soap on cast iron is when...
  7. H

    More cast iron questions...

    Lodge is an excellent choice - here in Florida you can find them in the Camping department at Wal-Mart. I'd recommend either a 10 or 12 inch; they both have a small helper handle IIRC. Resist the temptation to "go cheap" - I've heard bad things about the imports developing cracks when exposed to...
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